
Annual Reports

The Ethics Commission’s annual reports highlight the Commission’s activities, challenges, and accomplishments during each fiscal year.

View Annual Reports

Records Management

The Commission’s Records Management Policy determines the retention period for records to be maintained. Most disclosure records are easily accessible online. For other records, you may make a records request.

Request Records

Disclosure of Gifts

The City’s Sunshine Ordinance requires departments to make public on their websites the source of any money, goods or services they receive worth more than $100 in the aggregate for the purpose of carrying out or assisting any City function.

View Gifts


The Ethics Commission welcomes applications from individuals who have a strong desire to contribute as part of a diverse team to serve the public and help build the public’s trust in government.

View Current Job Openings


Each February, City departments are required to submit an annual budget proposal to the Mayor’s Office for the coming fiscal year. View the budget page to track the Commission’s budget submission and participate in opportunities to provide public feedback.

View Budget Documents

Commission By-Laws

San Francisco Charter section 15.102 authorizes the Ethics Commission to adopt, amend and rescind rules, including those related to governing procedures of the Commission.

View Commission By-Laws

Commission Policies

These policies and plans govern the operations and practices of the San Francisco Ethics Commission, as well as the online services it offers.

View Commission Policies