An expenditure lobbyist is an individual or entity that spends $2,500 or more in a calendar month to solicit, request, or urge others to communicate directly with a City officer in order to influence local legislative or administrative action. City officers covered by this rule generally include elected City officials, members of City boards and commissions, and City department heads.
Examples of spending that counts toward the $2,500 registration threshold include public relations, media relations, advertising, public outreach, research, investigation, reports, analysis, and studies to the extent those activities are used to solicit, request or urge other persons to communicate directly with a City officer.
Examples of spending that do not count toward the $2,500 registration threshold include: payments made to a registered “contact” lobbyist who directly contacts City officers; payments made to an organization for membership dues; payments made by an organization to distribute communications to its members; payments made by a news media organization to develop and distribute its publications; and payments made by a client to a representative to appear on the client’s behalf in a legal proceeding before a City agency or department; salary paid by employer to employee for activities to solicit, request, or urge others to communicate directly with an officer of the City in order to influence a matter of local legislative or administrative action.