About the Campaign Finance Data
FPPC campaign finance statements mandated under state law are filed in the CAL 2.01 data format supported by the California Secretary of State. Each schedule of the campaign finance statement is parsed into a dataset that contains the same schedules filed by other campaign committees. The datasets can be downloaded to many common formats including Excel, CSV, and JSON. Street address information is redacted on the Internet pursuant to state law. You may obtain street address information reported on campaign finance statements by making a public records request.
Campaign finance statements mandated under local San Francisco law are filed using DocuSign and are accessible in datasets on DataSF. The datasets and documentation can be accessed using the links below.
If you are a software programmer looking for API access, please see the campaign finance API documentation.
State Disclosure Requirements
Local San Francisco Disclosure Requirements
- SFEC Form 107 – Training for Candidates and Treasurers
- SFEC Form 113 – Important Notice for Initiative, Recall and Referendum Petitions
- SFEC Form 114.5 – Behested Contributions Received by Certain Committees
- SFEC Form 122 – Transfer of Funds
- SFEC Form 124 – Contributions Made by Business Entities
- SFEC Form 125 – Bundled Contributions Disclosure Report
- SFEC Form 126f2 – Notification of Submission of Proposal
- SFEC Form 126f4 – Notification of Contract Approval
- SFEC Form 128 – Acceptance of Expense Ceiling
- SFEC Form 134b – Candidate’s Notice of Exceeding 100 Percent of the Voluntary Expenditure Ceiling
- SFEC Form 143 – Requests by Candidates for Independent Determination of Filings