Establish Candidacy and Open a Campaign Committee
Potential candidates must meet all requirements established by the Department of Elections to become a qualified candidate. Individuals interested in running for office should review the Department of Elections’ candidate resource page on their website. To open a campaign committee and begin accepting contributions, potential candidates must file the FPPC Form 501 – Candidate Intention Statement and a Form 410 – Statement of Organization with the Ethics Commission. Additional information regarding running for office can be found in the Ethics Commission’s Candidates’ Guide for City Elective Office.
Know the Rules of the Program
Candidates and their treasurers are responsible for knowing and adhering to all applicable laws and rules related to the public financing program, as well as state and local laws regarding campaign finance. These laws can be found in the “Campaign Finance Law” section of the Commission’s website and in the “Political Reform Act” of the California Fair Political Practice Commission (“FPPC”) website. Additional information can be found on the “Public Financing Program” page of the Commission’s website and in this Supplemental Guide.