Subscribe to the Ethics Commission Interested Persons E-Mail List
We invite you to subscribe to the Ethics Commission’s email list to stay up to date on the latest news and information from the Ethics Commission. Email notifications include agenda notices (including links to supporting documents), press releases, training opportunities and other communications.
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Subscribe to the Ethics Commission Interested Persons Paper List
Those who subscribe to receive Interested Persons materials in paper format will receive agenda notices and press releases only. Paper copies of supporting documents for the Commission’s monthly meeting will be provided on request.
To receive paper notifications by regular mail, please complete this form and mail it to:
San Francisco Ethics Commission
25 Van Ness Ave, Suite 220
San Francisco, CA 94102
You may also fax it to our office at 415-252-3112.
Under section 8.17 of the Administrative Code, each board, commission or committee thereof, must update its mailing lists at least once annually for the meetings of its respective board, commission or committee in order to remove addresses of individuals or organizations that are no longer interested in receiving the materials or who are no longer residing or operating at the listed address.
In addition, the Brown Act provides, “[a]ny request for mailed copies of agendas or agenda packets shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is filed, and must be renewed following January 1 of each year.” Government Code § 5454.1.
This rule will only apply to subscribers of paper notifications. Subscribers to email notifications will continue to receive notifications until you unsubscribe.
Please contact the Ethics Commission to unsubscribe.
For email subscribers, you may contact us using any of the following methods:
- click the link at the bottom of the Interested Persons email; or
- Email us at; or
- call 415-252-3100
For paper subscribers, please
- Email us at; or
- call 415-252-3100
When contacting the Commission, please specify the email address or mailing address you would like to have removed from the list.
Interested Persons List Email Archive
Information sent via email to members of the Interested Persons list since 2011 is available to view online at the Ethics Commission’s archive of the information sent to members of the Interested Persons List.