Elected Officials, Department Heads, Board Members, and Commissioners
City officials who are required to file annual Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700) with the Ethics Commission under San Francisco Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.1-103(a)(1) and (b)(1) must complete the Ethics training required by California Government Code Section 53235 (AB 1234) and the Sunshine Ordinance training required by San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.33.
How to complete the training and filing requirements
Elected officials, department heads, board members, and commissioners (“City officials”) must complete the Ethics training and Sunshine Ordinance training online through the Commission’s e-filing system (NetFile). After viewing both trainings in NetFile, they will be prompted to file the Ethics and Sunshine Training Declaration Form electronically in the system (step #7).
Assuming Office Requirements
City officials must complete the Ethics training, Sunshine Ordinance training, and electronically file the Ethics and Sunshine Training Declaration Form within 30 days of assuming office.
Annual Requirements
City officials must complete the Ethics training, Sunshine Ordinance training, and electronically file the Ethics and Sunshine Training Declaration Form annually by April 1.
Those who assume office between October 1 and March 31 and timely complete the assuming office training requirements are not required to file the Ethics and Sunshine Training Declaration Form on the April 1 immediately following assumption of office.
City Employees
Pursuant to the Department of Human Resources (DHR) policy, Ethics and Sunshine Training is required for Deputy Directors and employees who have responsibilities for contracting and/or purchasing within six months of assuming position, and every two years thereafter. City employees should complete the Ethics/Sunshine training in the City’s SF Learning Platform. Please direct all questions regarding this policy or training access questions to DHR at wd.dhr@sfgov.org or visit https://sfdhr.org/employee-online-trainings.