Log in to Netfile
Use Netfile to file the Statement of Participation, Qualifying and Matching Requests, and Threshold Disclosure forms.
Don’t have a Campaign Filer Account? Complete the registration form to start filing electronic statements.
Steps to Complete a Request for Public Financing in Netfile
Review the summary below for an overview of the steps required to complete the public financing process in Netfile. For detailed instructions, refer to the full Netfile Filer Guide.
- Set Up Your Account
- Select your office (Mayor or Board of Supervisors) in the Committee Set-up Wizard.
- Enter candidate and treasurer contact information (mailing address, email, and phone number).
- File a Statement of Participation
- Indicate whether you will participate in the public financing program.
- Submit the Statement of Participation form electronically.
- Submit a Notice of Threshold
- File a Notice of Threshold when you reach the required fundraising threshold.
- Additional threshold notices may be required in publicly financed races.
- Submit a Qualifying Request
- Enter monetary contributions and mark them as eligible for public financing.
- Attach supporting documentation for contributions.
- Submit the Qualifying Request to the Ethics Commission for approval.
- Submit a Matching Request (if eligible)
- After being certified for public financing, enter additional monetary contributions for matching.
- Ensure all contribution entries are accurate.
- Submit a Matching Request to request additional public funds.
- Manage Public Financing Transactions
- Track contribution status (Believed Eligible, Approved, or Rejected).
- Review and download responses from the Ethics Commission.
- View Responses & Compliance Actions
- Monitor Executive Director decisions on Qualifying and Matching Requests.
- Address any requests for additional documentation from the Ethics Commission.