Meeting Information
The Commission meets on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. The Commission’s regular meetings will be held according to this schedule except in the case of a City recognized holiday or the unavailability of a televised meeting room, when the meeting is held on the closest practicable day. Please see the agenda for the time and location of special meetings.
- Commission Meeting Agendas and Documents
- Commission Meeting Minutes
- Commission Meeting Summaries
- Interested Persons Meeting Notices
- Official Misconduct Hearings
- Executive Director’s Reports (2009 – Present)
Ethics Commission Meeting Schedule for Calendar Year 2025
2025 Meeting Date | City Hall Room** | Meeting Start Time |
Friday, January 17 | 416 | 10:00am |
Friday, February 7 | 408 | 10:00am |
Friday, March 14 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, April 11 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, May 9 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, June 13 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, July 11 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, August 8 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, September 12 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, October 10 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, November 14 | 400 | 10:00am |
Friday, December 12 | 400 | 10:00am |
Live Streaming Video of Commission Meetings
Live streaming video of Ethics Commission meetings is available from San Francisco Government Television (SFGovTV). Meetings are also televised on local San Francisco Cable Channel 78 and rebroadcast on Saturday at 8:00 AM on Channel 26.
Archive of Video & Audio Recordings
Videos of Ethics Commission meetings are generally available the day after a recorded meeting and are posted to the SFGovTV page for the Ethics Commission.
- Agendas listed next to each video only provide the title of each item.
- Videos are also available on DVD from SFGovTV.
- Audio recordings of Ethics Commission meetings from June 2009 through December 2011 are available in the Audio Recording Archive.
- To download the closed captioning see the SFGovTV page for the Ethics Commission.
Public Comment
Members of the public are invited to give public comment in person or in writing regarding matters within the jurisdiction of the Ethics Commission.
To provide public comment in person, simply attend a Commission meeting at the time and place specified above. Pursuant to the Commission’s Bylaws, the Chair of the Commission will invite general public comment on items not on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Commission at the beginning and toward the end of each meeting. This is an opportunity to provide public comment regardless of whether a related matter appears on the Commission’s agenda for that meeting. Additionally, for each item on the agenda on which the Commission will take a vote or action, the Chair will invite public comment before any vote or action is taken. Unless the Commission specifies otherwise, you will have three minutes to provide your public comment.
To provide written public comment regarding a particular matter that appears on a Commission meeting agenda, please send your comments to ethics.commission@sfgov.org or by mail to the Commission’s offices at the address shown below. All public comment received on agenda items prior to the Commission’s meeting is made available at that meeting. To ensure your comments will be distributed at the meeting, they should specify (1) that you are providing written public comment for a Commission meeting, and (2) the date of the meeting to which your comment pertains.
Public comment received at the Commission offices by 9:00 am on the Monday before a Friday Commission meeting will be included in the packet of agenda materials distributed publicly for that meeting. The packet of Agenda materials includes memos, reports, and other materials that are published before each Commission meeting. Public comment that is received after that production cutoff deadline will not appear in the Agenda packet for that meeting. However, those public comments will be provided to the members of the Commission and will be made available to the public at the Commission meeting.
To submit written public comment, please send your comment to ethics.commission@sfgov.org or send or deliver it to:
25 Van Ness Avenue
Suite 220
San Francisco, CA 94102
We welcome and look forward to receiving all public comments. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ethics Commission at (415) 252-3100.