If you believe that an individual(s) or entity has violated one or more laws related to the financing of City campaigns, lobbying, conflicts of interest, or open government, you should consider filing a complaint with the Ethics Commission. You should also take the time to gather evidence and information relevant to your complaint, including information that would help to answer the following questions:
- Who do you believe is breaking the law?
- What law(s) are they violating?
- What facts support your allegation(s)?
- When did the alleged violation(s) take place?
- Who might provide more information about the matter?
- What documents might help prove your allegation(s)?
Please note that the Ethics Commission has jurisdiction over many, but not all, political practices. In this regard, violations enforced by the Ethics Commission include:
- Financial conflicts of interest
- Improper funneling of campaign contributions
- Prohibited political activity by City officers and employees
- Prohibited gifts from City contractors and other “restricted sources”
- Campaign mass mailing at public expense
- Failure to file or report all contacts on lobbying reports
- Post-employment restrictions for City officers and employees (“revolving door rules”)
- Inadequate, untimely, or non-filing of required campaign statements and reports
- Improper campaign reporting
- Improper receipt of campaign funds, including receiving funds from anonymous sources and contributions in excess of limits
- Improper expenditures of campaign funds, including using campaign funds for personal use
- Prohibited retaliation
If you are not sure the Ethics Commission is the right agency to enforce the alleged violations, contact the Commission for assistance.
Once you have collected the appropriate information, you are ready to file a complaint.