Departmental filing officers play an important role in helping to ensure provisions of the Political Reform Act are effectively and efficiently administered. The information below provides important information for filing officers about the Form 700 filing procedures, filing deadlines, and other essential information required to perform filing officer duties as prescribed by the Fair Political Practices Commission and the San Francisco Ethics Commission.
Important Announcements & Highlights
- Click Here to View 2025 Filer Information Session Details
- February 10, 2025 Notice: Annual Form 700 Filing Reminder
- Post-Annual Filing Deadline Procedures
Resources for Filing Officers
- Form 700 Home Page – Contains essential information, including filing requirements and exceptions, deadlines, the conflict of interest code, disclosure categories, and more.
- Filing Officer Manual – Provides step-by-step “how-to” instructions for the NetFile SEI Admin System.
- Filing Officer Fact Sheet – Summarizes the changes and benefits in connection with the transition to Form 700 e-filing. Includes an overview of the law, a summary of filing officer responsibilities, and answers to frequently asked questions.
- NetFile How-to Video Tutorials – Demonstrates how to perform various tasks in the NetFile System in 5 minutes are less.
- Sample Filer Notices – Provides recommended information that filing officers should include in filer notices.
- Trainings & Resources – Central hub to all online trainings and resources developed and/or recommended by the Ethics Commission, including memoranda, notices and reports.
- Departmental Filing Officer Directory – Online listing of filing officers designated in City departments. Departments must submit a Department Contact Change Form to add or remove filing officers. Please note that form submissions require department head authorization.
- Filers Page – Form 700 filers’ one-stop-shop to e-file their Form 700 statements and access pertinent information and resources. Direct your Filers here to e-file their Form 700 statements and include a link to this page in all your filer notices and communications.
Filing Officer Responsibilities
1. Know Who Files |
2. Manage Electronic Filer Accounts |
3. Stay Informed of Comings and Goings |
4. Keep your department contact information current with the Ethics Commission |
5. Provide Guidance to Filers |
6. Provide Public Access |
Assuming Office
1. Onboard New Form 700 Filers |
2. Notify Filers of Filing Requirements and Deadlines |
3. After Filed |
4. Late Filers |
1. System Clean-up |
2. Notify Filers of Filing Requirement and Deadline |
3. After Filed |
4. Late Filers |
Leaving Office (Offboarding Filers)
1. Offboard New Form 700 Filers |
2. Notify Filers of Filing Requirements and Deadlines |
3. After Filed |
4. Late Filers |
To support requests and questions and better serve departmental filing officers and filers, the Ethics Commission has established a dedicated Form 700 Support Portal. By using this portal, every support request is assigned a unique ticket number, which can be used to track the progress of a request online.