General Gift Rules
These are general gift rules that apply to City officers and employees. There are a number of exceptions; thus, officers and employees should ask the Ethics Commission for advice about specific circumstances. Officers and employees may be subject to stricter rules adopted by their departments. In cases where there is a discrepancy between this summary and the law, the law governs. Special rules apply to gifts given directly to the City rather than to individual employees or officers. The table below does not cover those special rules.
Filer Resources:
Who is affected? | What is the rule? |
City officers and designated employees who file Statements of Economic Interests (SEIs or Form 700) | No City officer or designated employee may receive any gift(s) worth more than $590 in a calendar year from a single source, if the source of the gift is a reportable source within the filer’s disclosure category. Filers must report on Form 700 any gift(s), single or cumulative, with a fair market value of $50 or more. |
All City officers and employees. See SF C& GC Code § 3.216 and EC Regulations 3.216(b)-1-6 | No officer or employee may receive any gift from any person or entity that contracts or is seeking to contract with the department of the officer or employee, or with any person who during the prior 12 months knowingly attempted to influence the officer or employee in any legislative or administrative action. There are a number of exceptions to this rule, most notably: non-cash gifts worth $25 or less, up to 4 times per year; and gifts of food or drink to be shared in office. |
All City officers and employees. See SF C&GC Code § 3.218 and Statement of Incompatible Activities for applicable department, board or commission | No officer or employee may accept or receive any gift from anyone other than the City for the performance of a specific service or act that the officer or employee is expected to render in the regular course of his or her City duties, or for advice about City processes. Exceptions include non-cash gifts worth $25 or less per occasion; and gifts such as food and drink to be shared in office among employees. |
All City officers and employees. See SF C&GC Code § 3.216(c) and EC Regulation 3.216(c)-1 | No officer or employee may solicit or accept any gift from any subordinate or job applicant. Exceptions include non-cash gifts of $25 or less given on occasions on which gifts are traditionally given; food and drink to be shared in office; personal hospitality; and gifts given in recognition of an occasion of special personal significance. |
Gifts of Travel
Who Must File
Under San Francisco Campaign & Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.216(d) elected officers are required to file the Gifts of Travel form before accepting a gift of transportation, lodging, or subsistence for any out-of-state travel that is paid for in part by an individual or entity other than the City and County of San Francisco, another governmental body, or a bona-fide educational institution as defined in section 203 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, or that is paid for by the City in whole or in part with funds donated by any of those individuals or entities. An elected officer who reimburses an individual or entity for a gift of transportation, lodging or subsistence related to out-of-state travel must also file this form within 30 days of the reimbursement.
Gifts of Travel forms must be filed electronically using the City and County of San Francisco’s DocuSign system. The filing process permits administrative staff to complete the form and route it to the elected officer for a signature. After administrative staff complete the contents of the form, an email will be automatically sent to the elected officer requesting a signature. The elected officer may both complete the form and sign the document without the assistance of administrative staff by entering his/her name in both fields below. City staff completing the form will be required to log in via Citywide credentials.
Click the image below to preview a form illustrating the information required to be disclosed. (Please note that this form is for viewing purposes only and that the electronic link shown below must be used to file the required information.)