Per Subsection 3.620(f) of the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code, the Board of Supervisors may, at the request of a City department, waive the prohibition against soliciting behested payments from interested parties contained in Subsection 3.620(a). The Board of Supervisors may not waive this rule for itself. A proposed waiver resolution must summarize the purpose of the solicitation(s) and identify the type of interested parties or the specific interested parties, when their identity is known, who would potentially be solicited, and a statement as to why the department believes the parties to be interested parties.
Any waiver resolution approved by the Board of Supervisors must include a finding that the waiver would not create an appearance of impropriety and would be in the public interest.
Waivers granted shall apply prospectively for six months unless a shorter duration is specified in the resolution. Waivers have no effect on past soliciations and may not be approved retroactively after soliciations have occurred.
The following dataset of behested payment waivers is maintained by the Board of Supervisors and any newly approved waiver resolutions are to be added to this dataset within 30 days of enactment.