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Campaign Consultant Quarterly Reports, 2004


Campaign Consultant Filing, First Quarter 2004


I. Introduction

In November 1997, San Francisco voters approved the Regulation of Campaign Consultants Ordinance (“Ordinance”), San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 1.500-1.540.  The Ordinance requires persons who earn $1,000 or more per year for campaign consultant services to register with the Ethics Commission and file quarterly activity reports. 

The first quarter activity reports were due on March 15, 2004 and covered the filing period beginning December 1, 2003 and ending February 29, 2004.  Thirty-six campaign consultants filed with the Ethics Commission in the first quarterof 2004.

II. Comparative Data

The level of campaign consultant activity has fluctuated since the first filing in June 1998 (the second quarter of 1998).  The chart on the next page compares data compiled pertaining to campaign consultant activity since implementation of the Ordinance.  As indicated, the level of campaign consultant activity generally increases or decreases depending on 1) whether an election is held and 2) the number and type of local items on the ballot. 

There was considerable activity in the fourth quarter 2003 due to the greatly contested mayoral and district attorney races.  In contrast, campaign consultant activity was considerably less during the first quarter 2004 because the period of coverage included mainly wind-down activities from the December 2003 run-off election and activities from the March 2, 2004 election.



Number of Consultants

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Total Contributions Made

Second Quarter 1998





Third Quarter 1998





Fourth Quarter 1998





First Quarter 1999





Second Quarter 1999





Third Quarter 1999





Fourth Quarter 1999





First Quarter 2000





Second Quarter 2000





Third Quarter 2000





Fourth Quarter 2000





First Quarter 2001





Second Quarter 2001





Third Quarter 2001





Fourth Quarter 2001





First Quarter 2002





Second Quarter 2002





Third Quarter 2002


$320, 373



Fourth Quarter 2002





First Quarter 2003





Second Quarter 2003





Third Quarter 2003





Fourth Quarter 2003





First Quarter 2004





All campaign consultants are sent pre-deadline notices.  Non-filers are subject to late fines.  Four registered campaign consultants, Sueanne McNeil, Terry Price, Laura Talmus Associates, Inc., and Terris, Barnes and Walters, failed to file a first quarter 2004 report as of the date of issuance of this report.

See footnote 1.

III. The Campaign Consultant Ordinance

The Ordinance defines “campaign consultant” as a person or entity that receives or is promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year for providing either of the following services:

Campaign Management,” defined as conducting, coordinating or supervising a campaign to elect, defeat, retain or recall a local candidate, or to adopt or defeat a local ballot measure, including but not limited to:

  • Hiring or authorizing the hiring of campaign staff and consultants; or
  • Spending or authorizing the expenditure of campaign funds; or
  • Directing, supervising or conducting the solicitation of campaign contributions; or
  • Selecting or recommending vendors or subvendors of goods or services for the campaign.


Campaign Strategy,” defined as planning for the election, defeat, retention or recall of a local candidate, or for the adoption or defeat of a local ballot measure, including not but limited to:

  • Producing or authorizing the production of campaign literature and print and broadcast advertising; or
  • Seeking endorsements of organizations or individuals; or
  • Seeking financing; or
  • Advising on public policy positions.

Employees of campaign consultants do not themselves qualify as campaign consultants.  However, persons and entities that subcontract with a campaign consultant to provide campaign consulting services and that receive or are promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year do qualify as campaign consultants.  Similarly, employees of campaigns who engage in campaign management or campaign strategy and are promised or receive $1,000 or more in a calendar year also qualify as campaign consultants.

Campaign consultants are required to report only activity associated with local candidates or local ballot measures.  For purposes of the Ordinance, “candidate” means:  (1) a person who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to local office, or (2) a local officeholder who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to any elective office, or (3) a local officeholder who is the subject of a recall election.

Local officeholder” means the following elected officers:  Mayor, Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Assessor, Public Defender, Members of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, and Members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District. 

Measure” means a local referendum, or a local ballot measure, whether or not it qualifies for the ballot.

The Commission staff has compiled the information filed by campaign consultants for the first quarter of 2004 in the attached tables.  All amounts reported by campaign consultants have been rounded off.

IV. Description of Quarterly Report Tables

Table 1:  December 9, 2003 and March 2, 2004 Ballot Items

City Elective Offices on the December 9, 2003 Ballot

Run-off election for Mayor

Run-off election for District Attorney

Ballot Measures on the March 2, 2004 Ballot

Prop A: Deferred Taxation Plan

Prop B: Retirement Benefits for Public Defenders, District Attorneys, and Investigators

Prop C: Civilian Jobs in the Police Department

Prop D: Equal Treatment of Domestic Partners

Prop E: Requests for City Records Containing Private Information

Prop F: Labor Negotiations with Deputy Sheriffs

Prop G: Supplemental Pay for City Employees on Military Duty

Prop H: Public Education Fund

Prop I: Replacement of Diesel Buses

Prop J: Incentives to Build Below-Market-Rate Housing


Sixteen out of the thirty-six filers reported activity pertaining to the December 9, 2003 run-off election and the March 2, 2004 election.  Table 1 reflects the elective office and ballot measures appearing on the ballots.

See footnote 1.

Table 2:  Total Reported Activity December 1, 2003 – February 29, 2004

All Reported Activity

(Listed in Descending Order by Amount of Payments Received)






Malchow, Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.





Baughman, Duane





Hsieh and Associates





Jaye, Eric/Storefront Political Media





Stearns Consulting





Davis, Jack





Golinger, Jonathan





Staton & Hughes





Platinum Advisors





Hiles, Heather





Gruwell, Stephan C.





Shanley, John B.





Newstat, Joyce (Rocket Science Associates)





Smith, Novella





Prozan, Rebecca





Bowman, Christopher L.





Ramos, Michael





Spisz, Parrish





Barolette, Ong & Silva, LLC





Rivaldo, Jim





Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst, Lauter & Partners





Fiscal, Paula





BC Designs





Clarke, Clemetine





Harrell, Clay





Henderson, Robert





Hsieh, Francisco





Solem & Associates





Knox, Randall





Lew Edwards Group





Maverick Media





Meskunas, Barbara





Muller, Philip





O’Hara, Marc T.





Schafer, Ellie





Winnicker, Anthony





McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Price, Terry

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Terris, Barnes and Walters

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed






Table 2 summarizes all reported activity by campaign consultants for the first quarter of 2004.  Filers are listed in descending order of the payments received.  Also reported are the total payments promised by clients and any political contributions or gifts to officeholders made by the filers.

Table 3:  Client Payment Report

Campaign Consultant


Services Performed

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst, Lauter & Partners

Clean City Committee

Not Listed



Committee to Repair Our Schools

Not Listed



Committee to Stop Aggressive Panhandling

Not Listed



Barolette, Ong & Silva, LLC

Phil Ginsburg for DCCC

General campaign consulting



Baughman, Duane

Republicans United for SF

Mailing services-including production, design & printing



SF Republican Party

Mailing services-including production, design & printing



BC Designs

No reportable activity during this period




Bowman, Christopher

Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst, Lauter & Partners

Color-coded precinct maps, swing votes for mayoral run-off election, absentee & permanent absentee voter ballots



Clark, Clemetine

No reportable activity during this period




Davis, Jack

Newsom for Mayor

Campaign strategy



Fiscal, Paula

Pat Lackey for Supervisor District 7

Campaign management



Golinger, Jonathan

Scott McDonald

Organize support for Prop. I on 03/02/04 ballot



Gruwell, Stephan C.

Newsom for Mayor

Not Listed



Harrell, Clay

No reportable activity during this period




Henderson, Robert

No reportable activity during this period




Hiles, Heather

Newsom for Mayor

Campaign communications director



Hsieh and Associates

Yes on Prop. J-Workforce Housing Initiative

Managed day-to-day activities for the campaign



Hsieh, Francisco

No reportable activity during this period




Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)

Workforce Housing Initiative

Campaign consulting and media production of direct mail, television and radio



Knox, Randall

Matt Gonzalez for Mayor

Literature review, debate preparation strategy



Lew Edwards Group

No reportable activity during this period




Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.

Committee to Stop Aggressive Panhandling

Design print and mail shop, mail pieces



Maverick Media

No reportable activity during this period




McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Meskunas, Barbara

No reportable activity during this period




Muller, Philip

No reportable activity during this period




Newstat, Joyce (Rocket Science Associates)

Newsom for Mayor

Campaign policy director



O’Hara, Marc T.

No reportable activity during this period




Platinum Advisors

Deputy Sheriff’s Association

General campaign management, including producing literature



Prozan, Rebecca

Kamala Harris

Management of day-to-day operations including staff, office, schedule, field



Price, Terry

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Ramos, Michael

Terrence Hallinan

Event planner/fundraiser



Rivaldo, Jim

Kamala Harris




Schafer, Ellie

No reportable activity during this period




Shanley, John B.

Newsom for Mayor

Press relations/media



Smith, Novella

Yes on Prop. N

Campaign management, managed voter outreach, mail, press



Solem & Associates

No reportable activity during this period




Spisz, Parrish

Re-Elect Hallinan DA

Coordinated volunteers, organized precinct walkers, media relations



Staton & Hughes

Yes on Prop H Committee-Public Education Fund

General strategy and media strategy



Stearns Consulting

Kamala Harris for District Attorney

Political consulting



California Democratic Party

Not Listed



Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Terris, Barnes and Walters

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Winnicker, Anthony

No reportable activity during this period







Filers are required to report “economic consideration” promised by or received from clients in exchange for campaign consulting services during the applicable reporting period.  Economic consideration includes payments, fees, commissions, and reimbursements for expenses, gifts or anything else of value.  Table 3 lists the name of the filer in alphabetical order, the filer’s clients, the services performed for that client, the payment promised by the client in the reporting period, and the payment actually received.  The table also indicates the total payments promised or received by all filers.  The payments promised by all clients to filers during the first quarter totaled$352,837.  The payments received by all filers from clients during the first quarter totaled $243,578.

Table 4:  Political Contributions

Campaign Consultant



Davis, Jack

Terence Hallinan


Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst, Lauter & Partners

Committee to Re-Elect Geraldo Sandoval


Gruwell, Steven C.

Newsom for Mayor


Smith, Novella

Tom Ammiano for Mayor




Filers must report each political contribution of $100 or more to a candidate for local office, a committee controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office, or a ballot measure committee whether or not the committee is controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office.  Filers must report contributions of $100 or more made or delivered by the filer, or made by the filer’s client at the filer’s behest, or for which the filer acted as an agent or intermediary during the reporting period.  This chart indicates the political contributions made by campaign consultants during the reporting period.  The total reported amount of political contributions made by filers during the first quarter was $1,600.

Vendor/Subvendor Payment Report

Each filer must report economic consideration promised to or received by the filer during the reporting period from vendors and subvendors who provide campaign-related goods or services to the filer’s current clients.  No filer reported any payments promised by or received from vendors or subvendors during the first quarter.

Gifts to Local Officeholders

Each filer must report any gifts promised or made by the filer to a local officeholder during the reporting period which in the aggregate total $50 or more.  No filer reported any gifts promised or made to a local officeholder during this reporting period.

Employment of Local Officeholders and City Employees

If the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the officeholder or City employee and describe the nature of the employment by the filer.  In addition, if a client of the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee at the behest of the filer during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the client, the name of each officeholder or City employee hired by the client, and the nature of the employment by the client.  No filer reported activity in this category.

City Contracts Obtained During the Reporting Period

If the filer obtains a City contract during the reporting period and the contract is approved by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the contract, the date the contract was obtained, and the name of the officeholder who approved the contract.  No filer reported obtaining a City contract during the reporting period.

Appointment to Public Office

If the filer is appointed to public office during the reporting period and the appointment is made by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the public office to which the filer was appointed, the date of the appointment, and the name of the officeholder who appointed the filer.  No filer reported appointment to public office during the reporting period.

Campaign Consultant Filing, Second Quarter 2004


I. Introduction

In November 1997, San Francisco voters approved the Regulation of Campaign Consultants Ordinance (“Ordinance”), San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 1.500-1.540.  The Ordinance requires persons who earn $1,000 or more per year for campaign consultant services to register with the Ethics Commission and file quarterly activity reports. 

The second quarter activity reports were due on June 15, 2004 and covered the filing period beginning March 1, 2004 and ending May 31, 2004.  Twenty-nine out of thirty-one registered campaign consultants filed with the Ethics Commission in the second quarter of 2004.

II. Comparative Data

The level of campaign consultant activity has fluctuated since the first filing in June 1998 (the second quarter of 1998).  The chart on the next page compares data compiled pertaining to campaign consultant activity since implementation of the Ordinance.  As indicated, the level of campaign consultant activity generally increases or decreases depending on 1) whether an election is held and 2) the number and type of local items on the ballot. 

Reported earnings for the second quarter 2004 do not match those reported in the first quarter 2004, when campaign consultant activity was lower than in the fourth quarter 2003 where there was high activity due to the November 4, 2003 election and the December 9, 2003 Mayoral and District Attorney run-off election.



Number of Consultants

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Total Contributions Made

Second Quarter 1998





Third Quarter 1998





Fourth Quarter 1998





First Quarter 1999





Second Quarter 1999





Third Quarter 1999





Fourth Quarter 1999





First Quarter 2000





Second Quarter 2000





Third Quarter 2000





Fourth Quarter 2000





First Quarter 2001





Second Quarter 2001





Third Quarter 2001





Fourth Quarter 2001





First Quarter 2002





Second Quarter 2002





Third Quarter 2002


$320, 373



Fourth Quarter 2002





First Quarter 2003





Second Quarter 2003





Third Quarter 2003





Fourth Quarter 2003





First Quarter 2004





Second Quarter 2004





All campaign consultants are sent pre-deadline notices.  Non-filers are subject to late fines.  Two registered campaign consultants, David Looman and Sueanne McNeil, failed to file a second quarter 2004 report as of the date of issuance of this report.

See Footnote 1.

III. The Campaign Consultant Ordinance

The Ordinance defines “campaign consultant” as a person or entity that receives or is promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year for providing either of the following services:

Campaign Management,” defined as conducting, coordinating or supervising a campaign to elect, defeat, retain or recall a local candidate, or to adopt or defeat a local ballot measure, including but not limited to:

  • Hiring or authorizing the hiring of campaign staff and consultants; or
  • Spending or authorizing the expenditure of campaign funds; or
  • Directing, supervising or conducting the solicitation of campaign contributions; or
  • Selecting or recommending vendors or subvendors of goods or services for the campaign.


Campaign Strategy,” defined as planning for the election, defeat, retention or recall of a local candidate, or for the adoption or defeat of a local ballot measure, including not but limited to:

  • Producing or authorizing the production of campaign literature and print and broadcast advertising; or
  • Seeking endorsements of organizations or individuals; or
  • Seeking financing; or
  • Advising on public policy positions.

Employees of campaign consultants do not themselves qualify as campaign consultants.  However, persons and entities that subcontract with a campaign consultant to provide campaign consulting services and that receive or are promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year do qualify as campaign consultants.  Similarly, employees of campaigns who engage in campaign management or campaign strategy and are promised or receive $1,000 or more in a calendar year also qualify as campaign consultants.

Campaign consultants are required to report only activity associated with local candidates or local ballot measures.  For purposes of the Ordinance, “candidate” means:  (1) a person who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to local office, or (2) a local officeholder who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to any elective office, or (3) a local officeholder who is the subject of a recall election.

Local officeholder” means the following elected officers:  Mayor, Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Assessor, Public Defender, Members of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, and Members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District. 

Measure” means a local referendum, or a local ballot measure, whether or not it qualifies for the ballot.

The Commission staff has compiled the information filed by campaign consultants for the second quarter of 2004 in the attached tables.  All amounts reported by campaign consultants have been rounded off.

IV. Description of Quarterly Report Tables

Table 1:  November 4, 2003, December 9, 2003 and March 2, 2004 Ballot Items

City Elective Offices and Ballot Measures on the November 4, 2003 Ballot


District Attorney


Prop A: School Maintenance and Improvement – SFUSD

Prop B: Retirement Benefits for Safety Employees

Prop C: City Services Auditor

Prop D: Small Business Commission

Prop E: Ethics Reform

Prop F: Early Retirement Benefits

Prop G: Economic Stabilization Fund

Prop H: Police Commission/Office of Citizen Complaints

Prop I: Child Care for Low Income Families

Prop J: Facilities for the Homeless

Prop K: Sales Tax for Transportation

Prop L: Minimum Wage

Prop M: Aggressive Solicitation Ban

Prop N: Taxi Driver Disability

City Elective Offices on the December 9, 2003 Ballot

Run-off election for Mayor

Run-off election for District Attorney

Ballot Measures on the March 2, 2004 Ballot

Prop A: Deferred Taxation Plan

Prop B: Retirement Benefits for Public Defenders, District Attorneys, and Investigators

Prop C: Civilian Jobs in the Police Department

Prop D: Equal Treatment of Domestic Partners

Prop E: Requests for City Records Containing Private Information

Prop F: Labor Negotiations with Deputy Sheriffs

Prop G: Supplemental Pay for City Employees on Military Duty

Prop H: Public Education Fund

Prop I: Replacement of Diesel Buses

Prop J: Incentives to Build Below-Market-Rate Housing


Table 1 sets forth the candidates for City elective office and ballot measures that appeared on the ballot for the November 4, 2004, December 9, 2003 and March 2, 2004 elections.

Table 2:  Total Reported Activity March 1, 2004 – May 31, 2004

All Reported Activity

(Listed in Descending Order by Amount of Payments Received)






McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Looman, David

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Stearns Consulting





Ross, James





Maverick Media





Hsieh and Associates





Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.





Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)





Roumeliotes, Stephanie (SGR Fundraising and Consulting)





Hope Road Consulting, LLC





Fiscal, Paula





Digby, John





Bowman, Chris





Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst





Baughman, Duane





Clark, Clemetine





Davis, Jack





Golinger, Jonathan





Harrell, Clay





Henderson, Robert





Hsieh, Francisco





Edwards, Lloyd (The Lew Edwards Group)





Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.





O’Hara, Marc T.





Price, Terry





Rivaldo, Jim





Schafer, Ellie





Smith, Novella





Solem & Associates





Staton & Hughes





Terris, Barnes and Walters









Table 2 summarizes all reported activity by campaign consultants for the second quarter of 2004.  Filers are listed in descending order of the payments received.  Also reported are the total payments promised by clients and any political contributions or gifts to officeholders made by the filers.

Table 3:  Client Payment Report

Campaign Consultant


Services Performed

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst

No reportable activity during this period




Baughman, Duane

No reportable activity during this period




Bowman, Christopher

San Francisco Police Officers Association

Precinct map on Prop. H in 11/2003



Clark, Clemetine

No reportable activity during this period




Davis, Jack

No reportable activity during this period




Digby, John

Jim Siegel

Consultation, speech writing, press releases, fundraising, policy formation, campaign strategy



Golinger, Jonathan

Scott McDonald

Organize support for Prop. I on 03/02/04 ballot



Harrell, Clay

No reportable activity during this period




Henderson, Robert

No reportable activity during this period




Hope Road Consulting, LLC

Phil Ginsburg (Democratic Party County Central Committee)

General campaign consulting



Hsieh, Francisco

No reportable activity during this period




Hsieh and Associates

Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee

Development of strategy for exploratory committee



Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)

Heather Hiles

General consulting services and media creation




Lillian Sing

General consulting services and campaign media




Michela Alioto-Pier

General consulting services and campaign media



Edwards, Lloyd (The Lew Edwards Group)

No reportable activity during this period




Looman, David

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.

No reportable activity during this period




Maverick Media

Friends of Tony Hall

Campaign management, media relations



McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

O’Hara, Marc T.

Protect our Benefits

Production of survey and analysis of results



Fiscal, Paula

Pat Lackey

Campaign strategy, demographic study, media advisement



Price, Terry

Protect our Benefits

Fundraising and membership survey, data analysis



Rivaldo, Jim

Kamala Harris




Ross, James

Myrna Lim for Supervisor

Campaign strategy, message development, production of materials




Tony Hall for Supervisor

Campaign strategy, materials production, message, and direction of campaign staff




Heller for Supervisor

Campaign strategy, message development, production of materials



Roumeliotes, Stephanie (SGR Fundraising and Consulting)

Friends of Tony Hall

Fundraising for re-election campaign



Schafer, Ellie

No reportable activity during this period




Smith, Novella

Lisa Feldstein

Campaign strategy



Solem & Associates

No reportable activity during this period




Staton & Hughes

No reportable activity during this period




Stearns Consulting

Kamala Harris for District Attorney

Political consulting



Affordable Housing Alliance PAC

Political consulting



Re-Elect Aaron Peskin

Political consulting



Coaltion for Clean and Reliable MUNI

Consulting for Prop. I



Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

Kamala Harris for District Attorney




Terris, Barnes and Walters

No reportable activity during this period







Filers are required to report “economic consideration” promised by or received from clients in exchange for campaign consulting services during the applicable reporting period.  Economic consideration includes payments, fees, commissions, and reimbursements for expenses, gifts or anything else of value.  Table 3 lists the name of the filer in alphabetical order, the filer’s clients, the services performed for that client, the payment promised by the client in the reporting period, and the payment actually received.  The table also indicates the total payments promised or received by all filers.  The payments promised by all clients to filers during the second quarter totaled$180,947.  The payments received by all filers from clients during the second quarter totaled $136,950.

Table 4:  Political Contributions

Campaign Consultant



Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst

Susan Leal for Mayor



Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee



Herrera for City Attorney


Paula Fiscal

Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee


Laura Talamus

Aaron Peskin for Supervisor




Filers must report each political contribution of $100 or more to a candidate for local office, a committee controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office, or a ballot measure committee whether or not the committee is controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office.  Filers must report contributions of $100 or more made or delivered by the filer, or made by the filer’s client at the filer’s behest, or for which the filer acted as an agent or intermediary during the reporting period.  This chart indicates the political contributions made by campaign consultants during the reporting period.  The total reported amount of political contributions made by filers during the third quarter was $1,650.

Table 5:  Vendor/Subvendor Payment Report

Campaign Consultant


 Payments Promised

 Payments Received


Paula Fiscal

Craft Press



Total Payments Promised/Received From Vendors or Subvendors



Each filer must report economic consideration promised to or received by the filer during the reporting period from vendors and subvendors who provide campaign-related goods or services to the filer’s current clients.  The payments received by all filers from vendors/subvendors during the second quarter totaled $280.

Gifts to Local Officeholders

Each filer must report any gifts promised or made by the filer to a local officeholder during the reporting period which in the aggregate total $50 or more.  No filer reported any gifts promised or made to a local officeholder during this reporting period.

Employment of Local Officeholders and City Employees

If the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the officeholder or City employee and describe the nature of the employment by the filer.  In addition, if a client of the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee at the behest of the filer during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the client, the name of each officeholder or City employee hired by the client, and the nature of the employment by the client.  No filer reported activity in this category.

City Contracts Obtained During the Reporting Period

If the filer obtains a City contract during the reporting period and the contract is approved by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the contract, the date the contract was obtained, and the name of the officeholder who approved the contract.  No filer reported obtaining a City contract during the reporting period.

Appointment to Public Office

If the filer is appointed to public office during the reporting period and the appointment is made by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the public office to which the filer was appointed, the date of the appointment, and the name of the officeholder who appointed the filer.  No filer reported appointment to public office during the reporting period.


Campaign Consultant Filing, Third Quarter 2004


I. Introduction

In November 1997, San Francisco voters approved the Regulation of Campaign Consultants Ordinance (“Ordinance”), San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 1.500-1.540.  The Ordinance requires persons who earn $1,000 or more per year for campaign consultant services to register with the Ethics Commission and file quarterly activity reports. 

The third quarter activity reports were due on September 15, 2004 and covered the filing period beginning June 1, 2004 and ending August 31, 2004.  Forty-four out of forty-five registered campaign consultants filed with the Ethics Commission in the third quarter of 2004.

II. Comparative Data

The level of campaign consultant activity has fluctuated since the first filing in June 1998 (the second quarter of 1998).  The chart on the next page compares data compiled pertaining to campaign consultant activity since implementation of the Ordinance.  As indicated, the level of campaign consultant activity generally increases or decreases depending on 1) whether an election is held and 2) the number and type of local items on the ballot. 


Number of Consultants

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Total Contributions Made

Second Quarter 1998





Third Quarter 1998





Fourth Quarter 1998





First Quarter 1999





Second Quarter 1999





Third Quarter 1999





Fourth Quarter 1999





First Quarter 2000





Second Quarter 2000





Third Quarter 2000





Fourth Quarter 2000





First Quarter 2001





Second Quarter 2001





Third Quarter 2001





Fourth Quarter 2001





First Quarter 2002





Second Quarter 2002





Third Quarter 2002


$320, 373



Fourth Quarter 2002





First Quarter 2003





Second Quarter 2003





Third Quarter 2003





Fourth Quarter 2003





First Quarter 2004





Second Quarter 2004





Third Quarter 2004





All campaign consultants are sent pre-deadline notices.  Non-filers are subject to late fines.  One registered campaign consultants, Sueanne McNeil, failed to file a third quarter 2004 report as of the date of issuance of this report.

See Footnote 1.

III. The Campaign Consultant Ordinance

The Ordinance defines “campaign consultant” as a person or entity that receives or is promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year for providing either of the following services:

Campaign Management,” defined as conducting, coordinating or supervising a campaign to elect, defeat, retain or recall a local candidate, or to adopt or defeat a local ballot measure, including but not limited to:

  • Hiring or authorizing the hiring of campaign staff and consultants; or
  • Spending or authorizing the expenditure of campaign funds; or
  • Directing, supervising or conducting the solicitation of campaign contributions; or
  • Selecting or recommending vendors or subvendors of goods or services for the campaign.


Campaign Strategy,” defined as planning for the election, defeat, retention or recall of a local candidate, or for the adoption or defeat of a local ballot measure, including not but limited to:

  • Producing or authorizing the production of campaign literature and print and broadcast advertising; or
  • Seeking endorsements of organizations or individuals; or
  • Seeking financing; or
  • Advising on public policy positions.

Employees of campaign consultants do not themselves qualify as campaign consultants.  However, persons and entities that subcontract with a campaign consultant to provide campaign consulting services and that receive or are promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year do qualify as campaign consultants.  Similarly, employees of campaigns who engage in campaign management or campaign strategy and are promised or receive $1,000 or more in a calendar year also qualify as campaign consultants.

Campaign consultants are required to report only activity associated with local candidates or local ballot measures.  For purposes of the Ordinance, “candidate” means:  (1) a person who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to local office, or (2) a local officeholder who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to any elective office, or (3) a local officeholder who is the subject of a recall election.

Local officeholder” means the following elected officers:  Mayor, Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Assessor, Public Defender, Members of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, and Members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District. 

Measure” means a local referendum, or a local ballot measure, whether or not it qualifies for the ballot.

The Commission staff has compiled the information filed by campaign consultants for the third quarter of 2004 in the attached tables.  All amounts reported by campaign consultants have been rounded off.

City Elective Offices and Ballot Measures on the November 4, 2003 Ballot


District Attorney


Prop A: School Maintenance and Improvement – SFUSD

Prop B: Retirement Benefits for Safety Employees

Prop C: City Services Auditor

Prop D: Small Business Commission

Prop E: Ethics Reform

Prop F: Early Retirement Benefits

Prop G: Economic Stabilization Fund

Prop H: Police Commission/Office of Citizen Complaints

Prop I: Child Care for Low Income Families

Prop J: Facilities for the Homeless

Prop K: Sales Tax for Transportation

Prop L: Minimum Wage

Prop M: Aggressive Solicitation Ban

Prop N: Taxi Driver Disability

City Elective Offices on the December 9, 2003 Ballot

Run-off election for Mayor

Run-off election for District Attorney

Ballot Measures on the March 2, 2004 Ballot

Prop A: Deferred Taxation Plan

Prop B: Retirement Benefits for Public Defenders, District Attorneys, and Investigators

Prop C: Civilian Jobs in the Police Department

Prop D: Equal Treatment of Domestic Partners

Prop E: Requests for City Records Containing Private Information

Prop F: Labor Negotiations with Deputy Sheriffs

Prop G: Supplemental Pay for City Employees on Military Duty

Prop H: Public Education Fund

Prop I: Replacement of Diesel Buses

Prop J: Incentives to Build Below-Market-Rate Housing


Table 1 summarizes all reported activity by campaign consultants for the third quarter of 2004.  Filers are listed in descending order of the payments received.  Also reported are the total payments promised by clients and any political contributions or gifts to officeholders made by the filers.

IV. Description of Quarterly Report Tables

Table 1:  Total Reported Activity June 1, 2004 – August 31, 2004

All Reported Activity

(Listed in Descending Order by Amount of Payments Received)






Adams, Scott – Political Movers & Shakers





Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst





Baughman, Duane





Beijen, Laura





Bowman, Christopher





Butler, Carol





Chien, Winifred





Clark, Clemetine





Comstock, Doug





Davis, Jack





Digby, John





Ehrlich, Raymond

No report filed




Gallagher, Tom





Golinger, Jonathan





Hariri, Baha





Harrell, Clay





Henderson, Robert





Hope Road Consulting, LLC





Hsieh, Francisco

Amt not given

Amt Not given



Hsieh and Associates





Hukari, Harvey





Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)





Klipp, Luke





Edwards, Lloyd (The Lew Edwards Group)





Litz, Crystal





LRP Services





Lyons, Nichelle





Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.





Maverick Media





McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed




Meskunas, Barbara





O’Hara, Marc T.





Price, Terry





Rivaldo, Jim





Ross, James (Jim Ross Political Consulting)





Roumeliotes, Stephanie (SGR Fundraising and Consulting)





Schafer, Ellie





Shortt, Sara





Smith, Novella





Solem & Associates





Sonn, Marlena





Staton & Hughes





Stearns Consulting





Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.





Terris, Barnes and Walters





Zutler, Samantha










Filers are required to report “economic consideration” promised by or received from clients in exchange for campaign consulting services during the applicable reporting period.  Economic consideration includes payments, fees, commissions, and reimbursements for expenses, gifts or anything else of value.  Table 2 lists the name of the filer in alphabetical order, the filer’s clients, the services performed for that client, the payment promised by the client in the reporting period, and the payment actually received.  The table also indicates the total payments promised or received by all filers.  The payments promised by all clients to filers during the third quarter totaled$461,739.  The payments received by all filers from clients during the third quarter totaled $405,991.

Table 2:  Client Payment Report

Campaign Consultant


Services Performed

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Adams, Scott – Political Movers & Shakers

Dan Kalb

General consulting services and campaign media



Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst

No reportable activity during this period




Baughman, Duane

No reportable activity during this period




Beijin, Laura

Sheela Kini

Communications Director



Bowman, Christopher

No reportable activity during this period




Butler, Carol

Lisa Feldstein

General consulting services and campaign media



Chien, Winifred

Ross Mirkarimi

Campaign and event coordination



Clark, Clemetine

Fiona Ma

General campaign consulting




Dan Kalb

General campaign consulting




Miguel Bustos

General campaign consulting



Comstock, Doug

Anita Grier

General campaign consultation




Eddie Chin

General campaign consultation




Terrence Hallinan

General campaign consultation



Davis, Jack

San Franciscans for Quality Housing

Campaign strategy




Gavin Newsom

Campaign strategy



Digby, John

Jim Siegel

Campaign strategy and management



Ehrlich, Raymond

No report filed

No report filed



Gallagher, John

Tom Ammiano

General campaign consulting



Golinger, Jonathan

Homes For The City – Cmtte for Prop A

Political & media organization



Hariri, Baha

Michela Alioto-Pier

General campaign consulting



Harrell, Clay

No reportable activity during this period




Henderson, Robert

No reportable activity during this period




Hope Road Consulting, LLC

Norman Yee

General campaign consulting services




Natalie Berg

General campaign consulting services




Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee

General campaign consulting services




Miquel Bustos

General campaign consulting services



Hsieh, Francisco

Fiona Ma

General campaign consulting services?




Issac Wang

General campaign consulting services?



Hsieh and Associates

Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee

Strategy for exploratory committee




Sean Elsbernd

Campaign management services



Hukari, Harvey

Steve Braccini

General campaign consulting services



Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)

Heather Hiles

Campaign consulting and media




Lillian Sing

General consulting services and campaign media




Michela Alioto-Pier

General consulting services and campaign media



Klipp, Luke

Miguel Bustos

Campaign management



Edwards, Lloyd (The Lew Edwards Group)

No reportable activity during this period




Litz, Crystal

No reportable activity during this period




LRP Services

Lillian Sing

Campaign management and strategy



Lyons, Nichelle

Michela Alioto-Pier

Campaign fundraising




Sean Elsbernd

Campaign fundraising



Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.

No reportable activity during this period




Maverick Media

Friends of Tony Hall

Campaign management and media relations



McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed

No report filed



Meskunas, Barbara

Jim Siegel

Campaign strategy and literature



O’Hara, Marc T.

No reportable activity during this period




Price, Terry

No reportable activity during this period




Rivaldo, Jim

Yes on B




Ross, James

Myrna Lim for Supervisor

Campaign strategy, message development, production of materials




Tony Hall for Supervisor

Campaign strategy, materials production, message, and direction of campaign staff




Heller for Supervisor

Campaign strategy, message development, production of materials



Roumeliotes, Stephanie (SGR Fundraising and Consulting)

Friends of Tony Hall

Fundraising for re-election campaign



Schafer, Ellie

No reportable activity during this period




Shortt, Sara

Robert Haaland

Campaign coordination activities



Smith, Novella

Milton Marks

General campaign consulting




Jill Wynns

General campaign consulting




David Weiner

General campaign consulting



Solem & Associates

No reportable activity during this period




Sonn, Marlena

Jake McGoldrick

Campaign coordination and fundraising



Staton & Hughes

Committee to Elect Coach Larry Kane

General campaign consulting and strategy



Stearns Consulting

Kamala Harris for District Attorney

Political consulting



Committee to Re-Elect Tom Ammiano

Political consulting



Re-Elect Aaron Peskin

Political consulting



Jake McGoldrick

Consulting for Prop. I



Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

No reportable activity during this period




Terris, Barnes and Walters

Shawn Reifsteck

General consulting; walkcard and collateral design and production



Zutler, Samantha Wilson

Committee to Elect Brett Wheeler

Campaign management






Filers must report each political contribution of $100 or more to a candidate for local office, a committee controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office, or a ballot measure committee whether or not the committee is controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office.  Filers must report contributions of $100 or more made or delivered by the filer, or made by the filer’s client at the filer’s behest, or for which the filer acted as an agent or intermediary during the reporting period.  This chart indicates the political contributions made by campaign consultants during the reporting period.  The total reported amount of political contributions made by filers during the third quarter was $11,050.

Table 3:  Political Contributions

Campaign Consultant



Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst

Aaron Peskin for Supervisor



Aaron Peskin for Supervisor



Aaron Peskin for Supervisor



Aaron Peskin for Supervisor



Leno 2004



Michela Alioto-Pier for Supervisor



Michela Alioto-Pier for Supervisor



Michela Alioto-Pier for Supervisor



Michela Alioto-Pier for Supervisor



Sean Elsbernd for Supevisor



Tony Hall for Supervisor



Tony Hall for Supervisor



Tony Hall for Supervisor



Tony Hall for Supervisor



Tony Hall for Supervisor


Francisco Hsieh

Judy Chu For Assembly


Hsieh & Associates

Andrew Sullivan for Supervisor


Barbara Meskinas

Anita Grier for Supervisor



Jim Siegel for Supervisor


Terris, Barnes & Walters

Shawn Reifsteck for Supervisor


Samantha Zutler

Committee to Elect Brett Wheeler





Vendor/Subvendor Payment Report

Each filer must report economic consideration promised to or received by the filer during the reporting period from vendors and subvendors who provide campaign-related goods or services to the filer’s current clients.  No filer reported any payments to or from any vendors or subvendors during this reporting period.

Gifts to Local Officeholders

Each filer must report any gifts promised or made by the filer to a local officeholder during the reporting period which in the aggregate total $50 or more.  No filer reported any gifts promised or made to a local officeholder during this reporting period.

Employment of Local Officeholders and City Employees

If the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the officeholder or City employee and describe the nature of the employment by the filer.  In addition, if a client of the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee at the behest of the filer during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the client, the name of each officeholder or City employee hired by the client, and the nature of the employment by the client.  No filer reported activity in this category.

City Contracts Obtained During the Reporting Period

If the filer obtains a City contract during the reporting period and the contract is approved by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the contract, the date the contract was obtained, and the name of the officeholder who approved the contract.  No filer reported obtaining a City contract during the reporting period.

Appointment to Public Office

If the filer is appointed to public office during the reporting period and the appointment is made by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the public office to which the filer was appointed, the date of the appointment, and the name of the officeholder who appointed the filer.  No filer reported appointment to public office during the reporting period.

Campaign Consultant Filing, Fourth Quarter 2004


I. Introduction

In November 1997, San Francisco voters approved the Regulation of Campaign Consultants Ordinance (“Ordinance”), San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 1.500-1.540.  The Ordinance requires persons who earn $1,000 or more per year for campaign consultant services to register with the Ethics Commission and file quarterly activity reports. 

The fourth quarter activity reports were due on December 15, 2004 and covered the filing period beginning September 1, 2004 and ending November 30, 2004.  Forty-one out of forty-five registered campaign consultants filed with the Ethics Commission in the fourth quarter of 2004.

II. Comparative Data

The level of campaign consultant activity has fluctuated since the first filing in June 1998 (the second quarter of 1998).  The chart on the next page compares data compiled pertaining to campaign consultant activity since implementation of the Ordinance.  As indicated, the level of campaign consultant activity generally increases or decreases depending on 1) whether an election is held and 2) the number and type of local items on the ballot. 


Number of Consultants

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Total Contributions Made

Second Quarter 1998





Third Quarter 1998





Fourth Quarter 1998





First Quarter 1999





Second Quarter 1999





Third Quarter 1999





Fourth Quarter 1999





First Quarter 2000





Second Quarter 2000





Third Quarter 2000





Fourth Quarter 2000





First Quarter 2001





Second Quarter 2001





Third Quarter 2001





Fourth Quarter 2001





First Quarter 2002





Second Quarter 2002





Third Quarter 2002


$320, 373



Fourth Quarter 2002





First Quarter 2003





Second Quarter 2003





Third Quarter 2003





Fourth Quarter 2003





First Quarter 2004





Second Quarter 2004





Third Quarter 2004





Fourth Quarter 2004





III. The Campaign Consultant Ordinance

The Ordinance defines “campaign consultant” as a person or entity that receives or is promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year for providing either of the following services:

Campaign Management,” defined as conducting, coordinating or supervising a campaign to elect, defeat, retain or recall a local candidate, or to adopt or defeat a local ballot measure, including but not limited to:

  • Hiring or authorizing the hiring of campaign staff and consultants; or
  • Spending or authorizing the expenditure of campaign funds; or
  • Directing, supervising or conducting the solicitation of campaign contributions; or
  • Selecting or recommending vendors or subvendors of goods or services for the campaign.


Campaign Strategy,” defined as planning for the election, defeat, retention or recall of a local candidate, or for the adoption or defeat of a local ballot measure, including not but limited to:

  • Producing or authorizing the production of campaign literature and print and broadcast advertising; or
  • Seeking endorsements of organizations or individuals; or
  • Seeking financing; or
  • Advising on public policy positions.

Employees of campaign consultants do not themselves qualify as campaign consultants.  However, persons and entities that subcontract with a campaign consultant to provide campaign consulting services and that receive or are promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year do qualify as campaign consultants.  Similarly, employees of campaigns who engage in campaign management or campaign strategy and are promised or receive $1,000 or more in a calendar year also qualify as campaign consultants.

Campaign consultants are required to report only activity associated with local candidates or local ballot measures.  For purposes of the Ordinance, “candidate” means:  (1) a person who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to local office, or (2) a local officeholder who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to any elective office, or (3) a local officeholder who is the subject of a recall election.

Local officeholder” means the following elected officers:  Mayor, Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Assessor, Public Defender, Members of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, and Members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District. 

Measure” means a local referendum, or a local ballot measure, whether or not it qualifies for the ballot.

The Commission staff has compiled the information filed by campaign consultants for the fourth quarter of 2004 in the attached tables.  All amounts reported by campaign consultants have been rounded off.

IV. Description of Quarterly Report Tables

Table 1:  Total Reported Activity September 1, 2004 – November 30, 2004

Table 1 summarizes all reported activity by campaign consultants for the fourth quarter of 2004.  Filers are listed in descending order of the payments received.  Also reported are the total payments promised by clients and any political contributions or gifts to officeholders made by the filers.

Table 1

All Reported Activity

(Listed in Descending Order by Amount of Payments Received)






Stearns Consulting

Not given




Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)





Davis, Jack





Ross, James (Jim Ross Political Consulting)





Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst





Staton & Hughes





Baughman, Duane





Hope Road Consulting, LLC





Smith, Novella





Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

Not given




Gavin, John





Sonn, Marlena





Golinger, Jonathan





Meskunas, Barbara





Beijen, Laura





Hariri, Baha





Pinch, Meghan





Baum, Gideon





Derse, Nicole





Terris, Barnes and Walters





Klipp, Luke





Evan, Mitchell





Comstock, Doug





LRP Services





Adams, Scott – Political Movers & Shakers





O’Hara, Marc T.





Hukari, Harvey





Clark, Clemetine





Dewar, Greg





Vaughan, Susan





Roumeliotes, Stephanie (SGR Fundraising and Consulting)





Murphy, Daniel





Digby, John





Bowman, Christopher





Gallagher, Tom





Harrell, Clay





Hernandez, Brandon





Hsieh and Associates





Litz, Crystal





Schafer, Ellie





Solem & Associates





Butler, Carol

No report

No report

No report

No report

Chien, Winifred

No report

No report

No report

No report

Ehrlich, Raymond

No report

No report

No report

No report

Henderson, Robert

No report

No report

No report

No report

Hsieh, Francisco

No report

No report

No report

No report

Edwards, Lloyd (The Lew Edwards Group)

No report

No report

No report

No report

Lyons, Nichelle

No report

No report

No report

No report

Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.

No report

No report

No report

No report

Maverick Media

No report

No report

No report

No report

McNeil, Sueanne

No report

No report

No report

No report

Price, Terry

No report

No report

No report

No report

Rivaldo, Jim

No report

No report

No report

No report

Shortt, Sara

No report

No report

No report

No report

Zutler, Samantha

No report

No report

No report

No report






Table 2:  Client Payment Report

Filers are required to report “economic consideration” promised by or received from clients in exchange for campaign consulting services during the applicable reporting period.  Economic consideration includes payments, fees, commissions, and reimbursements for expenses, gifts or anything else of value.  Table 2 lists the name of the filer in alphabetical order, the filer’s clients, the services performed for that client, the payment promised by the client in the reporting period, and the payment actually received.  The table also indicates the total payments promised or received by all filers.  The payments promised by all clients to filers during the fourth quarter totaled$620,070.  The payments received by all filers from clients during the fourth quarter totaled $943,214.

Table 2

Payments to Campaign Consultants

Campaign Consultant


Services Performed

Total Payments Promised

Total Payments Received

Adams, Scott – Political Movers & Shakers

Dan Kalb

General consulting services and campaign media



Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst

Yes on J K & 0

Create and produce TV ads for the campaign



Yes on I

Campaign management, direct mail & fundraising



Baughman, Duane

Yes on Citizenship No on F

Consulting, design, printing



Baum, Gideon

William Barnes

Volunteers, staff, office & events management



Beijin, Laura

Vernon Grigg

Manage campaign for district 7 supervisor



Bowman, Christopher

No reportable activity during this period




Butler, Carol

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Chien, Winifred

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Clark, Clemetine

Dan Kalb




Miguel Bustos




Comstock, Doug

Anita Grier

General campaign consultation



Eugene Wong

General campaign consultation



Davis, Jack

San Franciscans for Quality Housing

Campaign strategy



Gavin Newsom

Campaign strategy



Derse, Nicole

Ross Mirkarimi

Campaign coordination & management



Dewar, Greg

Susan C. King

General campaign consultation



Digby, John

Jim Siegel

General campaign consultation



Ehrlich, Raymond

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Evan, Mitchell

Andrew Sullivan

General campaign management



Gallagher, John

Tom Ammiano

Campaign management


Not given

Gavin, John

Sean Elsbernd

Field manager for campaign



Golinger, Jonathan

Homes For The City – Cmtte for Prop A

Political & media organization



Hariri, Baha

Michela Alioto-Pier

Campaign management



Harrell, Clay

No reportable activity during this period




Henderson, Robert

No report filed

No report filed



Hernandez, Brandon

Yes on J K & O

General campaign management


Not given

Hope Road Consulting, LLC

Natalie Berg

General campaign consulting services



Miquel Bustos

General campaign consulting services



Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee

General campaign consulting services



Norman Yee

General campaign consulting services



Hsieh, Francisco

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Hsieh and Associates

Fiona Ma Exploratory Committee

Strategy & services for exploratory committee



Sean Elsbernd

General campaign management services



Hukari, Harvey

Steve Braccini

General campaign consulting services



Jaye, Eric (Storefront Political Media)

Heather Hiles

Campaign consulting and media production



Lillian Sing

Campaign consulting and media production



Michela Alioto-Pier

Campaign consulting and media production



Yes on J K & 0

Campaign consulting and media production



Klipp, Luke

Miquel Bustos

Campaign management



Edwards, Lloyd (The Lew Edwards Group)

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Litz, Crystal

No reportable activity during this period




LRP Services

Lillian Sing

Campaign management and strategy



Lyons, Nichelle

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Malchow Schlackman & Hoppey, Inc.

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Maverick Media

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

McNeil, Sueanne

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Meskunas, Barbara

Jim Siegel

Campaign manager



Brian Murphy O’ Flynn

Direct mail consulting



Greg Corrales

Direct mail consulting



Muprhy, Daniel

Andrew Sullivan

General campaign consulting services



O’Hara, Marc T.

Jose Medina

Consulting and direct mail



Pinch, Meghan

Dan Kalb

Field coordinator for campaign



Price, Terry

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Rivaldo, Jim

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Ross, James

Myrna Lim

Materials production/design, message & strategy



David Heller

Materials production/design, message & strategy



No on K

Media strategy, buying, production & messaging



Roumeliotes, Stephanie (SGR Fundraising and Consulting)

Tony Hall

Fundraising for re-election campaign



Schafer, Ellie

No reportable activity during this period




Shortt, Sara

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

Smith, Novella

Milton Marks

General campaign consulting



Jill Wynns

General campaign consulting



David Weiner

General campaign consulting



Solem & Associates

No reportable activity during this period




Sonn, Marlena

Jake McGoldrick

Campaign coordination and fundraising



Staton & Hughes

Committee to Elect Larry Kane

Materials, field and media coordination



Yes on J K & O

Media coordination



Stearns Consulting

Kamala Harris for District Attorney

Political consulting



Committee to Re-Elect Tom Ammiano

Political consulting



Re-Elect Aaron Peskin

Political consulting



Jake McGoldrick

Political consulting



Affordable Housing Alliance PAC


Not given


Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

Homes For The City




Terris, Barnes and Walters

Shawn Reifsteck

General consulting; walkcard and collateral design and production



Vaughan, Susan

Susan C. King

Volunteer outreach & coordination



Zutler, Samantha Wilson

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed

No report filed




Table 3:  Political Contributions

Filers must report each political contribution of $100 or more to a candidate for local office, a committee controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office, or a ballot measure committee whether or not the committee is controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office.  Filers must report contributions of $100 or more made or delivered by the filer, or made by the filer’s client at the filer’s behest, or for which the filer acted as an agent or intermediary during the reporting period.  This chart indicates the political contributions made by campaign consultants during the reporting period.  The total reported amount of political contributions made by filers during the fourth quarter was $4,786.

Table 3

Political Contributions

Campaign Consultant



Barnes, Mosher, Whitehurst

Natalie Berg for Community College Board



Re-Elect Milton Marks III



Bill Barnes for Supervisor District 5



Sean Elsbernd for Supervisor District 7



Sean Elsbernd for Supervisor District 7



Sean Elsbernd for Supervisor District 7


Christoper Bowman

Joel Springer for School Board


Steve Braccini for Supervisor District 2


Andrew Sullivan for Supervisor District 5


Greg Corrales for Supervisor District 7


Miguel Bustos for Supervisor District 9


Hsieh & Associates

Matt Tuchow for Supervisor


Lillian Sing for Supervisor


Solem & Associates

Heather Hiles for School Board


Laura Talmus Associates, Inc.

Robert Haaland


Total Contributions:


Vendor/Subvendor Payments

Each filer must report economic consideration promised to or received by the filer during the reporting period from vendors and subvendors who provide campaign-related goods or services to the filer’s current clients.  No filer reported any payments to or from any vendors or subvendors during this reporting period.

Gifts to Local Officeholders

Each filer must report any gifts promised or made by the filer to a local officeholder during the reporting period which in the aggregate total $50 or more.  No filer reported any gifts promised or made to a local officeholder during this reporting period.

Employment of Local Officeholders and City Employees

If the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the officeholder or City employee and describe the nature of the employment by the filer.  In addition, if a client of the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee at the behest of the filer during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the client, the name of each officeholder or City employee hired by the client, and the nature of the employment by the client.  No filer reported activity in this category.

City Contracts Obtained During the Reporting Period

If the filer obtains a City contract during the reporting period and the contract is approved by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the contract, the date the contract was obtained, and the name of the officeholder who approved the contract.  No filer reported obtaining a City contract during the reporting period.

Appointment to Public Office

If the filer is appointed to public office during the reporting period and the appointment is made by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the public office to which the filer was appointed, the date of the appointment, and the name of the officeholder who appointed the filer.  No filer reported appointment to public office during the reporting period.

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Posted in Campaign Consultant Quarterly Summaries

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