For release:
April 11, 2006
John St. Croix
(415) 581-2300
At its meeting on April 10, 2006, the San Francisco Ethics Commission took the following action:
1. Considered the draft Statements of Incompatible Activities ("SIAs") filed by the Department of Child Support Services and San Francisco Arts Commission. These SIAs identify activities that are incompatible, inconsistent or in conflict with the duties of City officers and employees. The Commission received testimony from DCSS Director Karen Roye, Arts Commission Deputy Director Nancy Gonchar and members of the public. The Commission will continue its consideration of draft SIAs at future meetings.
2. Adopted, by a 4-0 vote, amendments authored by Mayor Newsom to the Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance ("CFRO") to require candidates for City elective office who have received at least $10,000 in public funds, monetary contributions or in-kind contributions to file daily electronic reports during the last 45 days of an election to disclose contributions received the previous day.
3. Received testimony and considered an amendment to CFRO to bar corporations from making contributions to candidates for City elective office. The Commission also received preliminary information about other possible amendments to CFRO. The Commission will consider these amendments at its next meeting.
4. Received testimony and considered an amendment to conflict of interest laws to require elected officials to disclose the source of travel gifts to the Commission. The Commission will consider this amendment at its next meeting, which will be held on May 8, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 408 City Hall. #
The Ethics Commission, established in November 1993, serves the public, City employees and officials and candidates for public office through education and enforcement of ethics laws. Its duties include: filing and auditing of campaign finance disclosure statements, lobbyist and campaign consultant registration and regulation, administration of the public financing program, whistleblower program, conflict of interest reporting, investigations and enforcement, education and training, advice giving and statistical reporting. S:\Commission\Meeting Summaries\2006\4.10.06.doc