John St. Croix
(415) 252-3100
For release: December 13, 2011
At its regular meeting on December 12, 2011, the San Francisco Ethics Commission took the following action:
- Considered and approved by a vote of 4-0 proposed amendments to the Statement of Incompatible Activities (SIA) for the Department of Human Resources (DHR). The DHR has asked that its SIA be amended so that it better aligns with the department’s confidentiality policy.
- Began consideration of possible amendments to the Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance (CFRO), San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 1.100 et seq., related to the public financing programs for candidates for the Board of Supervisors and Mayor. Proposed changes are in light of the Supreme Court’s decision finding that Arizona’s matching public funds program burdens political speech as well as feedback about the public financing program in the past year. The Commission considered staff’s recommendations and directed staff to craft legislation to establish new qualification requirements for candidates, set the amount of public funds that may be disbursed, delay the disbursement date of public funds, change the qualifying and matching funds formula, and provide separate proposals:1) that will continue with an adjustable individual expenditure ceiling, and 2) place a “hard” cap on the amount of public funds that may be disbursed to each certified candidate.
- Found probable cause Patrick Collum violated seven provisions of the San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code as applies to the regulation of Campaign Consultants.
The Commission’s next scheduled meeting will be held on Monday, January 23, 2011, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 400 City Hall.
The Ethics Commission, established in November 1993, serves the public, City employees and officials and candidates for public office through education and enforcement of ethics laws. Its duties include: filing and auditing of campaign finance disclosure statements, lobbyist and campaign consultant registration and regulation, administration of the public financing program, whistleblower program, conflict of interest reporting, investigations and enforcement, education and training, advice giving and statistical reporting.
S:\Commission\Meeting Summaries\2011\12.12.11.doc