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Third Quarter 2012 Summary of Activity of Campaign Consultants Registered with the City and County of San Francisco – June 1, 2012 to August 31, 2012


Benedict Y. Hur, Chairperson
John St. Croix, Executive Director

Report prepared by:
Catherine Argumedo

Date Issued: November 5, 2012



I. Introduction

In November 1997, San Francisco voters approved the Regulation of Campaign Consultants Ordinance (“Ordinance”), San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 1.500-1.540.  The Ordinance requires persons who earn $1,000 or more per year for campaign consultant services to register with the Ethics Commission and file quarterly activity reports. 

The third quarter activity reports were due on September 17, 2012 and covered the filing period beginning June 1, 2012 and ending August 31, 2012.

II. Comparative Data

The level of campaign consultant activity has fluctuated since the first filing in June 1998 (the second quarter of 1998).  The chart below compares data compiled pertaining to campaign consultant activity since implementation of the Ordinance.  As indicated, the level of campaign consultant activity generally increases or decreases depending on 1) whether an election is held and 2) the number and type of local items on the ballot.

Quarter Number of Consultants Total Payments Promised Total Payments Received Total Contributions Made
Third Quarter 2007 19 $479,895 $414,496 $69,137
Fourth Quarter 2007 19 $1,262,553 $1,324,139 $35,875
First Quarter 2008 21 $622,255 $830,920 $92,950
Second Quarter 2008 27 $718,486 $1,011,559 $3,750
Third Quarter 2008 40 $862,640 $811,954 $4,843
Fourth Quarter 2008 41 $1,985,420 $3,978,592 $4,830
First Quarter 2009 21 $490,230 $451,730 $1,560
Second Quarter 2009 20 $429,076 $447,804 $3,545
Third Quarter 2009 25 $519,855 $562,206 $2,250
Fourth Quarter 2009 27 $874,076 $880,721 $500
First Quarter 2010 26 $273,847 $348,578 $100
Second Quarter 2010 30 $449,666 $666,692 $3,900
Third Quarter 2010 41 $593,564 $635,782 $3,118
Fourth Quarter 2010 47 $1,575,846 $2,766,813 $1,600
First Quarter 2011 30 $228,264 $400,226 $2,100
Second Quarter 2011 29 $475,807 $399,194 $270
Third Quarter 2011 48 $757,556 $738,202 $1,950
Fourth Quarter 2011 64 $3,502,429 $3,757,950 $3,551
First Quarter 2012 29 $89,739 $102,990 $1,500
Second Quarter 2012 33 $437,751 $513,041 $650
Third Quarter 2012 37 $401,754 $401,239 $200

III. The Campaign Consultant Ordinance

The Ordinance defines “campaign consultant” as a person or entity that receives or is promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year for providing either of the following services:

Campaign Management,” defined as conducting, coordinating or supervising a campaign to elect, defeat, retain or recall a local candidate, or to adopt or defeat a local ballot measure, including but not limited to:

  1. Hiring or authorizing the hiring of campaign staff and consultants; or
  2. Spending or authorizing the expenditure of campaign funds; or
  3. Directing, supervising or conducting the solicitation of campaign contributions; or
  4. Selecting or recommending vendors or subvendors of goods or services for the campaign.


Campaign Strategy,” defined as planning for the election, defeat, retention or recall of a local candidate, or for the adoption or defeat of a local ballot measure, including not but limited to:

  1. Producing or authorizing the production of campaign literature and print and broadcast advertising; or
  2. Seeking endorsements of organizations or individuals; or
  3. Seeking financing; or
  4. Advising on public policy positions.

Employees of campaign consultants do not themselves qualify as campaign consultants.  However, persons and entities that subcontract with a campaign consultant to provide campaign consulting services and that receive or are promised $1,000 or more in a calendar year do qualify as campaign consultants.  Similarly, employees of campaigns who engage in campaign management or campaign strategy and who are promised or receive $1,000 or more in a calendar year also qualify as campaign consultants.

Campaign consultants are required to report only activity associated with local candidates or local ballot measures.  For purposes of the Ordinance, “candidate” means:  (1) a person who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to local office, or (2) a local officeholder who has taken affirmative action to seek nomination or election to any elective office, or (3) a local officeholder who is the subject of a recall election.

Local officeholder” means the following elected officers:  Mayor, Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, City Attorney, District Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff, Assessor, Public Defender, Members of the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District, and Members of the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District. 

Measure” means a local referendum, or a local ballot measure, whether or not it qualifies for the ballot.

The Commission staff has compiled the information filed by campaign consultants for the third quarter of 2012 in the attached tables.  All amounts reported by campaign consultants have been rounded to the nearest whole dollar.

IV. Description of Quarterly Report Tables

Table 1:  Total Reported Activity (June 1, 2012 – August 31, 2012)

Table 1 summarizes all reported activity by campaign consultants for the third quarter of 2012.  Filers are listed in alphabetical order.  The total payments promised by clients and any political contributions or gifts to officeholders made by the filers are also reported.

Consultant Payments Promised By Clients Payments Received From Clients Political Contributions
50+1 Strategies, LLC $36,000 $50,882 $0
Behrend, Alex $833 $833 $0
Bowman, Christopher L. $0 $0 $0
Bullfight Strategies $0 $0 $0
The California Group $10,600 $10,600 $0
Clegg, Whitney $26,613 $26,613 $0
Curley, Jordan $30,000 $10,000 $0
Durning, Santore & Davis, LLC $5,250 $3,875 $0
Eastshore Consulting LLC $0 $0 $0
Erwin & Muir $30,000 $30,000 $0
Gavin, John $19,467 $19,467 $0
Golinger, Jon $15,797 $18,302 $100
Ground Floor Public Affairs $15,000 $15,000 $0
Hope Road Consulting, LLC $0 $0 $0
Hsieh & Associates $0 $8,500 $0
Hsieh, Francisco $0 $0 $0
Integrated Fundraising Strategies $5,000 $8,500 $0
JPM&M, Inc. $0 $0 $0
Jim Ross Consulting $27,677 $27,677 $0
Kaufman Campaign Consultants $0 $0 $0
Left Coast Communications $46,043 $38,331 $0
Lester Connect $0 $0 $0
Leubitz, Brian $0 $8,791 $0
Li, Thomas $0 $0 $0
Lyons, Nichelle $5,000 $2,500 $0
Montejano, Jess $15,750 $15,750 $0
SCN Strategies, Inc. $35,635 $15,097 $0
SGR Consulting $0 $0 $0
Singer Associates $4,636 $26,343 $0
Social Stream Consulting $0 $0 $0
Stearns Consulting, Inc. $24,020 $0 $100
Storefront Political Media $17,433 $38,177 $0
Terris Barnes & Walters $0 $0 $0
Town Square Consulting $16,000 $16,000 $0
Whitehurst Campaigns, Inc. $15,000 $10,000 $0
Winning Directions $0 $0 $0
Workman, Dee Dee $0 $0 $0
TOTAL $401,754 $401,239 $200

Table 2:  Client Payment Report

Filers are required to report “economic consideration” promised by or received from clients in exchange for campaign consulting services during the applicable reporting period.  Economic consideration includes payments, fees, commissions, and reimbursements for expenses, gifts or anything else of value. 

Table 2 lists the name of the filer in alphabetical order, the filer’s clients, the services performed for that client, the payment promised by the client in the reporting period, and the payment actually received.  The table also indicates the total payments promised or received by all filers. 

The payments promised by all clients to filers during the third quarter of 2012 totaled $401,754.  The payments received by all filers from clients during the third quarter of 2012 totaled $401,239.

50+1 Strategies Re-Elect Supervisor David Chiu 2012 Campaign management services, campaign strategy services, communications $15,000 $19,165
50+1 Strategies Re-Elect Supervisor Eric Mar 2012 Campaign management services, campaign strategy services, communications $15,000 $22,678
50+1 Strategies Matt Haney for School Board 2012 Campaign management services, campaign strategy services, communications $6,000 $9,039
Behrend, Alex Phil Ting for Assembly 2012 Campaign fundraising staff $833 $833
The California Group London Breed for Supervisor 2012 Fundraising services $6,000 $6,000
The California Group Malia Cohen for DCCC 2012 Campaign services $4,600 $4,600
Clegg, Whitney Save Hetch Hetchy (formerly Citizens for Reliable Water and A Healthy Environment) Fundraising $26,613 $26,613
Curley, Jordan Keep San Francisco Green – No on A Development and execution of strategic outreach plan to oppose Proposition A $30,000 $10,000
Durning, Santore & Davis LLC Committee to Elect Gladys Soto for Board of Education Campaign organization, structure, strategy, social media and campaign finance $3,000 $0
Durning, Santore & Davis LLC Friends of Thea Selby for D5 Supervisor 2012 Campaign finance $0 $500
Durning, Santore & Davis LLC Committee to Elect Leah Pimentel for DCCC 2012 Campaign organization, structure, strategy, limited social media and treasury. $750 $1,225
Durning, Santore & Davis LLC Committee to Elect Hene Kelly for DCCC 2012 Campaign organization, structure, strategy, social media and treasury. $1,500 $2,150
Erwin & Muir London Breed for Supervisor 2012 Strategic advice, design/production of printed materials $14,000 $14,000
Erwin & Muir Yes on B – San Franciscans for Clean & Safe Neighborhood Parks Strategic advice, design/production of printed materials $16,000 $16,000
Erwin & Muir Rachel Norton for School Board Production of printed materials $0 $0
Gavin, John Save Hetch Hetchy (formerly Citizens for Reliable Water and A Healthy Environment) Campaign management $19,467 $19,467
Golinger, Jon No Wall on the Northeast Waterfront Day-to-day management of petition drive and ballot measure campaign $13,000 $15,430
Golinger, Jon Yosemite Restoration Campaign Management of petition drive $2,797 $2,872
Ground Floor Public Affairs FX Crowley Campaign management $15,000 $15,000
Hsieh & Associates Dr. Natalie Berg for Community College 2012 General consulting, including strategy and management $0 $8,500
Integrated Fundraising Strategies Committee to Re-Elect David Campos for Supervisor 2012 Fundraising consulting $5,000 $8,500
Jim Ross Consulting David Lee for Supervisor 2012 Political consulting; materials production $27,677 $27,677
Left Coast Communications Norman Yee for 2012 Supervisor (including payment previously promised and reported, but not received) General consulting services, volunteer coordination, campaign management, press work, data management $15,590 $21,761
Left Coast Communications Christina Olague for Supervisor 2012 (including payment previously promised and reported, but not received) General consulting services, volunteer coordination, campaign management, press work, data management $30,453 $16,570
Leubitz, Brian Keep San Francisco Green Outreach Director; management of internet presence and advertising. Reimbursement of expenses $0 $8,791
Lyons, Nichelle Dr. Natalie Berg Fundraising for Re-election campaign $5,000 $2,500
Montejano, Jess Mike Garcia Campaign management and strategy $15,750 $15,750
SCN Strategies San Franciscans for Fair Taxes and Better City Services, Yes on E Campaign management & strategy $15,538 $0
SCN Strategies Save Hetch Hetchy (formerly Citizens for Reliable Water and A Healthy Environment) Campaign management & strategy $20,097 $15,097
Singer Associates Keep San Francisco Green (including payment previously promised and reported, but not received) Public relations and corporate communication $4,636 $26,343
Stearns Consulting Committee to Re-Elect David Campos Supervisor Campaign consulting and media $3,088 $0
Stearns Consulting Yosemite Restoration Campaign: Sponsored by Hetch Hetchy Campaign consulting and media $17,688 $0
Stearns Consulting Rafael Mandelman for Community College District Board 2012 Campaign consulting and media $3,244 $0
Storefront Political Media Phil Ting for Assembly 2012 (including payment previously promised and reported, but not received) Campaign consulting; media production, distribution, and placement $17,433 $38,177
Town Square Consulting Rodrigo Santos for City College Trustee General consulting, campaign management, direct mail design and strategy $7,500 $7,500
Town Square Consulting Mike Garcia for District 7 Supervisor 2012 General consulting, campaign management, direct mail design and strategy $7,500 $7,500
Town Square Consulting Beverly Ho-A-Yun Popek for SFUSD School Board 2012 General consulting, campaign management, direct mail design and strategy $1,000 $1,000
Whitehurst Mosher Campaign Strategy & Media Committee to Protect City College Strategic consulting including overseeing research and polling, message development; media consulting and production of all campaign media and materials $0 $10,000
Whitehurst Mosher Campaign Strategy & Media San Franciscans for Fair Taxes and Better City Services, Yes on E Strategic consulting including overseeing research and polling, message development; media consulting and production of all campaign media and materials $15,000 $0
TOTAL     $401,754 $401,239

Table 3:  Political Contributions

Filers must report each political contribution of $100 or more to a candidate for local office, a committee controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office, or a ballot measure committee whether or not the committee is controlled by a local officeholder or a candidate for local office.  Filers must report contributions of $100 or more made or delivered by the filer, or made by the filer’s client at the filer’s behest, or for which the filer acted as an agent or intermediary during the reporting period. 

This chart indicates the political contributions made by campaign consultants during the reporting period.  Filers reported a total of $200 in political contributions during the third quarter of 2012. 

 Committee  Name  Consultant Name Amount
(none reported)   Stearns Consulting as an agent or intermediary for SF Young Democrats $100
 Julan Davis for Supervisor  Jon Golinger $100

Vendor/Subvendor Payments

Each filer must report economic consideration promised to or received by the filer during the reporting period from vendors and sub-vendors who provide campaign-related goods or services to the filer’s current clients.  No filers reported vendor or sub-vendor payments during this reporting period.

Gifts to Local Officeholders

Each filer must report any gifts promised or made by the filer to a local officeholder during the reporting period which in the aggregate total $50 or more.  No filers reported any gifts promised or made to a local officeholder during this reporting period.

Employment of Local Officeholders and City Employees

If the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the officeholder or City employee and describe the nature of the employment by the filer.  In addition, if a client of the filer employs a local officeholder or City employee at the behest of the filer during the reporting period, the filer must report the name of the client, the name of each officeholder or City employee hired by the client, and the nature of the employment by the client.  No filers reported any employment of a local officeholder or City employee during this reporting period.

City Contracts Obtained During the Reporting Period

If the filer obtains a City contract during the reporting period and the contract is approved by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the contract, the date the contract was obtained, and the name of the officeholder who approved the contract.  No filers reported obtaining a City contract during the reporting period.

Appointment to Public Office

If the filer is appointed to public office during the reporting period and the appointment is made by a local officeholder who is the filer’s client, the filer must report the public office to which the filer was appointed, the date of the appointment, and the name of the officeholder who appointed the filer.  No filers reported being appointed to public office by a client during the reporting period.

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Posted in Campaign Consultant Quarterly Summaries, Consultants, Research

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