John St. Croix
(415) 252-3100
For release: April 23, 2013
At its regular meeting on April 22, 2013, the San Francisco Ethics Commission took the following actions:
- By a vote of 3-0, granted a waiver to Jonathan Pearlman from the ban on compensated advocacy under San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 3.224. Mr. Pearlman is a licensed architect who occupies Seat 3, the architectural historian seat, on the Historic Preservation Commission.
- By a vote of 3-0, approved regulations to require signers of electronic campaign finance reports to file a completed Signature Verification Form with the Commission. A regulation adopted by the Commission is effective 60 days after its adoption unless before the expiration of the 60-day period, the Board of Supervisors vetoes the regulation by a two-thirds vote.
- By a vote of 3-0, with respect to a renewed contract with Netfile for professional services, determined that contracting out is the most effective way of providing an electronic filing system that meets the needs of the Ethics Commission, its filers and members of the public.
The next meeting of the Commission will be a special meeting to be held on Thursday, May 30, 2013 in Room 416 City Hall. The special meeting will be held because the Commission’s regular 4th Monday of the month meeting in May 2013 falls on a holiday.
The Ethics Commission, established in November 1993, serves the public, City employees and officials and candidates for public office through education and enforcement of ethics laws. Its duties include: filing and auditing of campaign finance disclosure statements, lobbyist and campaign consultant registration and regulation, administration of the public financing program, whistleblower program, conflict of interest reporting, investigations and enforcement, education and training, advice giving and statistical reporting.
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