John St. Croix
(415) 252-3100
For release: January 28, 2014
At its regular meeting on January 27, 2014, the San Francisco Ethics Commission took the following actions:
- By a vote of 3-2, approved Stipulation and proposed penalty of $5,000 in reference to Ethics Complaint No. 11-130606 (Respondent: Juliet Ellis, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission). A copy of this settlement agreement will be posted to the Commission’s website.
- By a vote of 5-0, directed the Executive Director to submit a budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 of $2,650,891, an increase of $22,500 over the current fiscal year budget. The Commission also expects an addition of $1,906,395 into the Election Campaign Fund, which provides for public financing of candidates for the offices of Mayor and Board of Supervisors (the amount is determined by statute).
The next regular meeting of the Commission will be held on Monday, February 24, 2014 in Room 400 City Hall.
The Ethics Commission, established in November 1993, serves the public, City employees and officials and candidates for public office through education and enforcement of ethics laws. Its duties include: filing and auditing of campaign finance disclosure statements, lobbyist and campaign consultant registration and regulation, administration of the public financing program, whistleblower program, conflict of interest reporting, investigations and enforcement, education and training, advice giving and statistical reporting.
S:\Commission\Meeting Summaries\2014\1.28.14.doc