I. Introduction
This Audit Report summarizes the audit results of the committee, “No Wall on the Northeast Waterfront, No on B and C, supported by local property owners, tenants, neighbors, and environmentalists. Top contributors include Richard and Barbra Stewart,” Identification Number 1348226 (“the Committee”), from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013. The audit was conducted to determine whether the Committee materially complied with the requirements of the Political Reform Act (“the Act”) (California Government Code section 81000, et seq.) and San Francisco’s Campaign Finance Reform Ordinance (“CFRO”) (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 1.100, et seq).
II. Audit Authority
San Francisco Charter section C3.699-11 authorizes the Ethics Commission (“the Commission”) to audit campaign statements that are filed with the Commission along with other relevant documents to determine whether the committee complied with applicable requirements of State and local laws.
III. Audit Scope and Procedures
This audit was performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. The audit involved a review of the Committee’s records for the period covered by the audit. This review was conducted to determine:
- Compliance with all disclosure requirements pertaining to contributions, expenditures, accrued expenditures, and loans, including itemization when required;
- Compliance with applicable filing deadlines;
- Compliance with restrictions on contributions, loans, and expenditures;
- Accuracy of total reported receipts, disbursements, and cash balances as compared to bank records; and
- Compliance with all record-keeping requirements.
The Commission posts audit reports to its web site and, in cases of apparent violations of law, forwards them to the appropriate enforcement agency.
IV. Committee Information
The Committee qualified as a primarily formed ballot measure committee on June 19, 2012 to circulate a referendum petition relating to zoning along the San Francisco waterfront. After the measure qualified for the ballot, the Committee formed to oppose Measures B & C of the November 5, 2013 election. During the period covered by the audit, the Committee’s treasurer was Stacy Owens and the assistant treasurer was Marissa Quaranta. The Committee was active as of December 31, 2013.
V. Audit Findings
For the period from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013 the Committee received $870,619 in monetary contributions, $36,891 in non-monetary contributions, and incurred $871,994 in expenditures.
The Commission determined that there were no material findings with respect to the audit of the Committee. The Committee substantially complied with the disclosure and record-keeping provisions of the Act and CFRO.