At its regular meeting on Monday, February 23, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. in Room 400, City Hall, the San Francisco Ethics Commission will discuss and possibly adopt an amendment to Commission Regulation section 1.142-2(c).
The proposed amendment would allow candidates participating in the City’s public financing program to use an electronic filing system to submit contributor lists in order to establish their eligibility to receive City funds and otherwise comply with reporting requirements.
The proposed amendment is found in the last sentence of the regulation:
Regulation 1.142-2: Process for Establishing Eligibility; Filing Requirements.
(a) Filing Requirement.
Every candidate for the Board of Supervisors who wishes to become eligible to receive public financing must file Form SFEC-142(b)-1 (Declaration for Public Funds), Form SFEC-142(c)-1 (Qualifying Contributions List) and supporting material with the Ethics Commission no earlier than nine (9) months before but no later than the 70th day before the date of the election.
Every candidate for Mayor who wishes to become eligible to receive public financing must file Form SFEC-142(b)-2 (Declaration for Public Funds), Form SFEC-142(c)-2 (Qualifying Contributions List), and supporting material with the Ethics Commission no earlier than nine (9) months before and no later than the 70th day before the date of the election.
(b) Declaration by Candidate: Forms SFEC-142(b)-1 and SFEC-142(b)-2.
The information disclosed on Forms SFEC-142(b)-1 and SFEC-142(b)-2 (Declaration by Candidate) shall include but is not limited to the following: the names, mailing and email addresses, and telephone and facsimile numbers for the candidate and treasurer; a list of authorized persons to receive payments from the Election Campaign Fund; and a declaration under penalty of perjury by the candidate that he or she understands the requirements for participation in the public financing program.
(c) Qualifying and Matching Contributions Lists. The information disclosed on Forms SFEC-142(c)-1 and SFEC-142(c)-2 (Qualifying Contributions List) and Forms SFEC-144(a)-2 and 144(b)-2 (Matching Contributions List) shall include but is not limited to: each contributor's full name, the address of each contributor's primary residence, the total amount contributed by each contributor, the amount of each contributor's qualifying contribution, the date on which the candidate received each contributor's qualifying contribution, and the deposit batch number for each qualifying contribution. When the cumulative amount of contributions from any contributor equals or exceeds $100, the information for any qualifying contribution from such contributor must also include the contributor’s occupation, the contributor’s employer or, if the contributor is self-employed, the name of the contributor’s business. Candidates must file this information electronically as an attachment to an email or on a compact disc or floppy disk electronically in a manner to be designated by the Commission.
Staff may make further changes to the above regulation and will post and circulate the version of the regulation that will be considered by the Commission with the February 23, 2015 agenda.
S:\C.F.R.O\2015\Regulations\10 Day Reg Notice 1.142-2.doc