To: Candidates and their Controlled Committees
Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committees
General Purpose Committees (Including Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committees)
Committees Primarily Formed to Support/Oppose candidates being voted on the March 3, 2020 ballot
Please review information contained in this courtesy reminder pertinent to the First Pre-Election filing deadline on January 23, 2020 that applies to Candidates, Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committees, Primarily Formed Candidate Controlled Committees, General Purpose Committees (including Major Donors and Independent Expenditure Committees), and Committees Primarily Formed to Support/Oppose candidates being voted on the March 3, 2020 ballot.
Filing Requirements:
- All committees controlled by candidates being voted upon in the March 3, 2020 election must file Form 460. When a candidate or officeholder controls more than one committee for the purpose of election to office, all committees of that candidate or officeholder must file pre-election statements each time any committee statement is due (see Cal. Code Regulation Section §18405);
- All candidates who do not raise or spend $2,000 or more (or anticipate raising or spending $2,000 or more) in 2019, do not have an open committee, and have not already filed Form 470 for the current election/calendar year, must file Form 470 covering the calendar year. If later during the calendar year a campaign committee must be opened, a Form 470 Supplement and a Form 410 must be filed;
- All committees primarily formed to support or oppose local ballot measures being voted upon in the March 3, 2020 election must file Form 460;
- General purpose committees that make $500 or more in contributions or expenditures during the pre-election period (excludes payments for costs related to the establishment and administration of the committee, such as legal and accounting fees and other expenses incurred in setting up and running a sponsored committee) must file Form 460. Major Donor and Independent Expenditure Committees must file Form 461; and
- Committees primarily formed to support or oppose candidates being voted on the March 3, 2020 ballot.
Please review Filing Schedules for additional information.
**Reporting Period Covered:
The Pre-Election statement covers either reporting period:
- a) the day after the closing date of the previous statement filed, through January 18, 2020;
- b) if the 2019 Second Semi-Annual statement has already been filed, the period covered is January 1, 2020 through January 18, 2020.
**Due to the election being held early in the year, the deadline for the first pre-election statement for calendar year 2020 is earlier than the deadline for the semi-annual statement for calendar year 2019. A candidate/committee active in both calendar years may file the 2019 statement on January 23, 2020.
Late Filing:
Campaign statements that are filed late are subject to a $10-per day late fee for paper filings, and a $25-per day late fee for electronic filings. Please file your statements by the deadline to avoid late fee assessment.
Campaign Disclosures:
After you have filed your statements you can access the filings, campaign datasets, and data dashboards on our website at Campaign Finance Disclosure.
If have already filed your pre-election statement, or if you have reviewed your expenditures and determined that you are not required to file a supplemental pre-election statement, please disregard this notification.
Additional Filing Requirements:
As an added reminder, committees may have additional filing requirements associated with this deadline. Please find the attached memorandum advising committees of these additional filing requirements.
This e-mail is being sent to candidates and committees of record. If you have terminated your committee, are no longer seeking City elective office, or have questions, please contact our office at or (415) 252-3100.