January 23, 2023
Contact: Michael Canning (415) 252-3100
Chair Yvonne Lee called the Meeting to order at 1:34 p.m. With Vice-Chair Larry Bush, and Commissioners Theis Finlev, Michael Romano, and Argemira Flórez Feng participating, a quorum was present.
Under Item 2, provided the opportunity for general public comment on matters not appearing on the Agenda but within the Ethics Commission’s subject matter jurisdiction.
Under Item 3, heard a presentation from Deputy Director & Chief Operating Officer Gayathri Thaikkendiyil, discussed the Ethics Commission budget priorities for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 and Fiscal Year 2024-25, and provided opportunity for public comment.
Under Item 4, provided the additional opportunity for general public comment on matters not appearing on the agenda.
Under Item 5, adjourned the meeting at 2:38 pm.
Draft Minutes for the January 20, 2023, Special Meeting will be available upon their completion and will be included on the Agenda for the Commission’s next Regular Meeting, which will be made available on the Commission’s website at sfethics.org.
Meeting agendas and materials are available at https://sfethics.org/ethics/category/agendas.
For further information, please contact the Ethics Commission at ethics.commission@sfgov.org or (415) 252-3100.
SFGovTV provides a continuous archive of selected Commission, council and board meetings that allows viewers to watch those meetings online in full at the viewer’s convenience. Video, audio, and closed-captioning archives of Ethics Commission meetings may be accessed here.