IMPORTANT ~ Grants that require Mayor’s approval, but not Board of Supervisors’, should be addressed and routed to Jack Livingston in lieu of the Mayor for approval.
How to File
Form SFEC-126f4 must be filed electronically through the City and County of San Francisco’s DocuSign system, which may be initiated at the bottom of this page. The DocuSign filing process involves two key steps – completing the form and signing the form – which may involve between one to five participants. The form allows a City staff member to initiate and complete the form electronically, optionally route it to up to three additional staff assisting with the completion of the form, and then send it to an elected officer or board secretary or clerk for his/her signature. The person completing the form may need to obtain information about the contract from multiple internal and external parties, including the elected official/clerk of the board and support staff, contracting department, and contractor.
After the form is completed, an email will automatically be sent to the signer with instructions for his/her signature. The signer can then electronically sign the form in DocuSign by following the instructions in the email. An elected officer or board secretary or clerk may complete and sign the form without the assistance of a staff member by entering his/her information as both the person completing and signing the form. This process will require the officer to enter DocuSign twice to complete each step.
When completing this form, if you run out of space to provide all the information that the form requires, you must submit a supplemental form that contains the remaining information. Be sure to use the same identifying information on the supplemental form so that the supplemental form may be connected to the original form. However, you do not need to disclose information, such as the names of listed subcontractors, that you already listed on the original form.
Filing an Amendment
To amend a previously filed Form, you will initiate a new Form through the same online portal that you initiated the original filing. You will need to complete all sections of the form as you did prior, except with the correct information, and in the first portion of the form (Section #1 Filing Information), complete as follows:
Under Type of Filing, you will select “Amendment” from the drop down menu;
under Date of Original Filing, enter the date of the original filing that you are amending;
in the next field Amendment Description, enter the reason for the amendment.
(Note: “Amendment” is for the purpose of amending (correcting) a previously-filed form. “Amendment” should not be used to specify an amended or modified contract).
Click the image below to preview a form illustrating the information required to be disclosed. (Please note that this form is for viewing purposes only and that the electronic link shown below must be used to file the required information.)
List of additional individuals assisting with the completion of the form
Enter up to three names and email addresses of individuals who will be assisting with completion of the form. The form will route to these individuals in the order listed below after the individual that initiated the form has completed work on the form. These individuals can edit all form fields. The individual initiating the form can be entered as the last person on this list to review the edits made by prior individuals before it routes to the elected official or board secretary or clerk for final signature.