Date: June 10, 2003
To: Registered Lobbyists
From: Ginny Vida, Executive Director
Re: Amendments to the Lobbyist Ordinance, San Francisco Campaign and
Governmental Conduct Code Sections 2.110 and 2.145
On May 20, 2003, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved the following amendments to the Lobbyist Ordinance, S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 2.100 and 2.145. These amendments, signed by the Mayor on May 30, 2003, will become effective on June 29, 2003.
- Lobbyist registration and re-registration fees have been increased from $300 to $500.
Lobbyists are required to pay the $500 fee at the time of initial registration and each year upon re-registration. Lobbyist registration fees will continue to be prorated by calendar quarter. Currently registered lobbyists are not required to pay the increased registration fee for 2003. However, all lobbyists will be required to pay the increased $500 fee to re-register for 2004.
- Client registration and re-registration fees for contract lobbyists have been increased from $50 to $75 per client.
- Late fines for filing an original statement or report with the Ethics Commission after any deadline have been increased from $25 per day to $50 per day.
Contract lobbyists are required to pay the $75 per client fee at the time of initial registration and each year upon re-registration. Client registration fees will continue to be prorated by calendar quarter. Contract lobbyists are not required to pay the increased per client fee for currently registered clients. However, contract lobbyists who register new clients on June 29, 2003 or later will be required to pay the increased $75 per client fee.
Lobbyist reports and statements must be received by the Ethics Commission no later than 5:00 p.m. on or before the filing deadline in order to be considered timely filed.
Documents received after 5:00 p.m. on the date of the deadline will be assessed a late filing fine of $50 per calendar day until the report or statement is received by the Commission.
Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call Shannon Hardin at (415) 581-2300.
S:\Lobbyists\Correspond\2003\Fee Increase Notice.doc