Category: Filing Forms
Requesting SFEDS ID and Password on Weekends During the Late Reporting Period
To obtain a SFEDS ID and Password during the weekends of the Late Reporting Period, you must email the Ethics Commission the "SFEDS Account Registration Form" and a 410 Statement […]
Information for Persons Making Expenditures Relating to Candidates for City Elective Office for the November 4, 2014 Election
San Francisco Ethics Commission Fines and Waivers
Checklist for Advisory Board or Committee Members and Designated Employees
Checklist for Elected Officials, Department Heads, & Members of Decision-Making Boards and Commissions
This checklist is meant to help you keep track of the various deadlines related to the Statement of Economic Interests (SEI) filings. It also provides links for pertinent trainings and […]
Electronic Lobbyist Form Fields Collected
New Electronic Filing Requirement for Form 465
This notice is to remind you of the electronic filing requirements under San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Code section 1.112(b). Committees that meet the requirements of section 1.112(b) are now […]
Due Diligence Efforts by Committees Upon Receiving a Contribution for Compliance with Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code (C&GC Code) Sections 1.114, 1.126 and 1.127
Candidates and treasurers for local candidate committees are responsible for complying with campaign finance laws, and may be held jointly and severally liable for violations of those laws. See C&GC […]