Nature of Contract
Resolution 1) declaring an emergency under Administrative Code Section 6.60(A) relating to the June 20, 2012 fire at Pier 29; 2) approving emergeny contracts entered into by the Port of San Francisco in accordance with Adminstrative Code Section 6.60; and 3) directing the Port of San Francisco to take all necessary and appropriate measures to perform repair work to Pier 29 in the most expeditious manner. Pursuant to the June 21, 2012 authorization, (i) the initial emergency work to mitigate the unsafe condition and repair utility facilities located in Pier 29 is being performed by Turner Construction Company, the Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) for the Cruise Terminal project being constructed at the adjacent Pier 27, on a time and materials basis at an estimated cost of approximately $1,300,000 as of June 29, 2012.
Date Contract Approved
June 17, 2012
To be determined under the procedures set forth in the Resolution.