Nature of Contract
Public Law 109-115 requires airport sponsors to enhance runway safety areas, in compliance with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) airport design standards. A major component of the enhancement at SFO includes purchasing an engineered material arresting system. ESCO is the only company certified by the FAA to fabricate a FAA certified engineered material arresting system. By Airport Commission Resolution Number 12-0267 dated December 18, 2012, staff was authorized to seek approval from the Board of Supervisors allowing the Office of Contract Administration and Purchases to exceed the ten million dollar purchasing limit in order to obtain an engineered material arresting system for Contract No. 8672B, in an amount not-to-exceed $40,000,000 with ESCO.
Date Contract Approved
May 15, 2013
$35,244,976 (Not-to-exceed $40,000,000)