Each year by April 1, certain officials, employees, and consultants throughout California who make or influence government decisions are required under the law to submit a public disclosure statement known as a Form 700. These financial disclosure forms, also known as Statements of Economic Interests, serve two important purposes. First, they act as a tool for these filers to monitor their financial interests to detect and avoid potential conflicts of interest. Second, as public documents, these disclosure filings also allow the public to hold officials accountable and help ensure that officials make decisions without regard to their personal financial interests. In this way, these required economic interest filings help promote accountable government and public trust.
What is the Form 700?
The Form 700 is a form created by the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) that is used by state and local government officials and employees to disclose certain categories of personal financial interests. In general, the type of economic interests a designated officer or designated employee is required to disclose is based on the breadth and nature of the official’s governmental duties and typically reflects the kinds of interests that could be affected by those duties. Reportable interests can include investments, interests in real property, and income (including gifts and travel payments).
Importantly, the disclosure of a particular interest does not necessarily mean the filer has a conflict of interest. But, it can signal a need for the filer to seek guidance and avoid creating a conflict with their official duties.
Who is required to file a Form 700?
State law requires all public agencies to identify all agency officials and employees who make or participate in making certain governmental decisions and requires those individuals – together referred to as designated filers — to be designated in the jurisdiction’s Conflict of Interest Code. The Conflict of Interest Code must also specify the types of financial interests that each filer needs to disclose. Those interests are referred to as a filer’s disclosure category. Agencies must update this information no less than every two years, most commonly through a process known as a Biennial Code Review.
The City and County of San Francisco’s Conflict of Interest Code lists filers and their disclosure categories and can be found beginning in Section 3.1-100 of the San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code.
Where can filed Form 700s be viewed?
Since 2014, elected officials, department heads, and members of City boards and commissions have been required to file their statements electronically on the Ethics Commission’s website. Effective January 1, 2022, employees holding positions designated by their departments in the City’s Conflict of Interest Code are also required to file their Form 700 statements electronically on the Ethics Commission’s website.
Prior to January 1, 2022, designated employee filers filed these statements with their departments in paper format. These Form 700 filings are also public documents under the law. To obtain a copy of a departmental employee filing submitted prior to January 1, 2022, requesters should contact the filer’s department.
For more information about how to access statements filed electronically by City officers and designated employees, follow the links that appear in the sections below.
What happens if a City officer or designated employee fails to submit a required disclosure statement?
Annual Form 700 filings covering the period January 1 to December 31, 2021 were required to be filed no later than April 1, 2022.
Elected officials, department heads, and members of City boards and commissions who are required to submit their Form 700s electronically with the Ethics Commission are also required by City law to file a Certification of Ethics and Sunshine training, which demonstrates they have completed their annual ethics and sunshine training obligation. For these categories of filers, the officials who did not complete their required filing as of April 7, 2022, are shown in the tables below. (Note: Appointing Authorities are required to notify the Ethics Commission within 15 days of an official leaving office. To our best knowledge, officials named in the following list continue to occupy their position(s).)
Department Heads with an April 1, 2022 Annual Filing Requirement With a Filing Not Submitted as of April 7, 2022 (3pm) |
Department/Commission | Name | Position | Filing Not Submitted |
Asian Art Museum | Xu, Jay | Director | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Emergency Management | Carroll, Mary Ellen | Executive Director | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Fire Department | Nicholson, Jeanine | Fire Chief | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Human Rights Commission | Davis, Sheryl | Executive Director | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Police Accountability | Henderson, Paul | Director | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Retirement System | Huish, Jay | Executive Director | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Board & Commission Members with an April 1, 2022 Annual Filing Requirement With a Filing Not Submitted as of April 7, 2022 (3pm) |
Board/Commission | Member Name | Filing Not Submitted |
Access Appeals Commission | Park, Walter | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Arts Commission | Musleh, Nabiel | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Asian Art Museum | Randol, Merrill | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Board of Examiners | Alkhatib, Husam | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Buscovich, Patrick | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Caracciolo, Dan | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Flores, Manuel | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Reed, James | Form 700 | |
Building Inspection Commission | Blackseth, Kim | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Children Youth and Their Families Oversight and Advisory Committee | Curry, Jada | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Matull, Mollie | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Shereff, Nadiya | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Citizens Committee on Community Development (Mayor’s Office) | Delgado, Ximena | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Community College District Board of Trustees | Davila, Brigitte | Form 700 |
Disability & Aging Services Commission | Carrington, Michelle | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Sklar, Barbara | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Film Commission | Rosenthal, Alix | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Song, Jack | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Stiker, Matthew | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Fine Arts Museums | Toney, Jeana | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Wadhwani, David | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Fire Commission | Rodriguez, Tony | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Historic Preservation Commission | Black, Kate | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Matsuda, Diane | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Foley, Chris | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Human Rights Commission | Aquino, Vanessa | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Kelleher, Mark | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Sweet, Michael | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Human Services Commission | McCray, Jr., James | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Semel, Rita | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Singh, Darshan | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Municipal Transportation Agency | Heminger, Steve | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Planning Commission | Fung, Frank | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Police Commission | Brookter, Dion-Jay | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Public Health Commission | Christian, Susan | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Guillermo, Tessie | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Public Library Commission | Huang, Pete | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Recreation & Park Commission | Buell, Mark | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Mazzola, Jr., Larry | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Residential Users Appear Board | Lee, Tommy | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Retiree Health Care Trust Fund Board | Walsh, Ed | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Revenue Bond Oversight Committee | Kamp, Lars | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Status of Women, Commission on | Moses, Anne | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Treasure Island Development Authority | Dunlop, Mark | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Price-Breston, La’Shawndra | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Tsen, V.Fei | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Workforce Investment Board | Coleman, Michon | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Delgado, Ximena | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Hale, Charlie | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Michel, Aaron | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Mitchell, Meaghan | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Okakpu, Osinachi | Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration | |
Rodriguez, Sam | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
Weeby, Anne | Form 700 Ethics & Sunshine Training Declaration |
The latest filing information for City officers and Code-designated employees required to file online with the Ethics Commission can be searched by name on the Commission’s website.
Under the law, Statements filed late are subject to a late fee of $10 per day up to a maximum of $100. In addition, the Ethics Commission and the state Fair Political Practices Commission may take steps to initiate an enforcement action against a filer who is more than 30 days late in filing their Form 700 Statement of Economic Interest. Under state law, failure to file a Form 700 can subject the filer to a fine of up to $5,000 per violation. In addition, willful failure to file may be a misdemeanor, and non-filers may also be subject disciplinary action under City law.
In addition, per San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 3.1-102.5(c), members of City boards or commissions are disqualified from participating in or voting on matters listed on their boards’ and commissions’ meeting agendas if they have failed to file Form 700 and/or the Ethics and Sunshine Ordinance Training Declaration Form by the applicable filing deadline, until those filing requirements are met.
Disclosures filed by City Officers and Code-Designated Employees
View E-filed Form 700s
View Form 700 statements filed electronically by Elected Officials, Department Heads, Board Members, Commissioners, and Designated Employees.
- Find e-filed forms based on filer’s name, position, department or filing period
- View the forms in PDF format
Search and Filter the Contents of Form 700 Statements
Search within the contents across e-filed From 700 statements to view reportable financial interests such as investments, interests in real property, and income (including gifts and travel payments).
- Find reported data across e-filed statements based on search text, department name, filing year or type of financial interests
- View filtered results on the web page or download to Excel
Ethics and Sunshine Training Declaration Forms
In addition to Form 700, Elected Officials, Department Heads, Board Members and Commissioners also file statements to fulfill the Ethics and Sunshine Ordinance Training Requirements.
- Find filed statements based on filer’s name, position, department, or filing period
- View the statements in PDF format
Form 700 Datasets
Research Statement of Economic Interests data in a tabular form via SF OpenData.
- View data in a spreadsheet format
- Download datasets in a variety of data formats
- Save search criteria
- Build and save your own maps, charts and graphs
- Integrate data with other City datasets
Need More Information?
If you need any assistance regarding the Ethics Commission’s disclosures please contact us at ethics.commission@sfgov.org. We also invite you to share your ideas and suggestions to help make this public data more informative and easy to use.