This Audit Report summarizes the audit results of the committee, Julie Christensen for Supervisor 2015, Identification Number 1374912 (“the Committee”), from January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.
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Proposed Bylaws Amendment Scheduled for Possible Action by Ethics Commission on September 26, 2016
The proposed amendment would establish a process regarding requests for public records directed toward Members of the Ethics Commission and a notification requirement for its Executive Director.
Late Reporting Period Requirements
Get the facts about important disclosure requirements that may affect you during the 90 days before the election.
Courtesy Notice Re: August 1, 2016 First Semi-Annual Filing Deadline and Disclosure Requirements
This notice serves as a reminder about the August 1, 2016 First Semi-Annual filing deadline and updates to disclosure requirements.
San Francisco Ethics Commission Audit Report: Aaron Peskin for Supervisor 2015 Committee, FPPC ID #1376394
The Commission determined that there were no material findings with respect to the audit of the Committee. The Committee substantially complied with the disclosure and record-keeping provisions of the Act and CFRO.
Summary of Actions Taken and Matters Discussed at Ethics Commission July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting
Date: July 26, 2016 Contact: LeeAnn Pelham, Executive Director (415) 252-3100 At its regular meeting on July 25, 2016, the San Francisco Ethics Commission discussed the following matters and took […]
Consideration of Proposed Bylaws Amendment Continued to September 26, 2016
The Ethics Commission’s July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting agenda and Amended Regular Meeting agenda noticed possible action by the Commission to amend its bylaws. The proposed amendment would establish a […]
Consideration of Proposed Bylaws Amendment Continued to August 22, 2016
The Ethics Commission’s July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting agenda and Amended Regular Meeting agenda notice possible action by the Commission to amend its bylaws. The proposed amendment would establish a […]
Executive Director’s Report – July 25, 2016
Date: July 21, 2016 To: Members of the Ethics Commission From: LeeAnn Pelham, Executive Director Subject: AGENDA ITEM 7 – Executive Director’s Report for the July 25, 2016 Commission Meeting […]
Proposed Bylaws Amendment Scheduled for Possible Action by Ethics Commission on July 27, 2016
The amendment would establish a process regarding requests for public records directed toward Members of the Ethics Commission and a notification requirement for its Executive Director.