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Thinking of starting a second job while working for the City?


Know the requirements for additional employment

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There are many reasons why a City employee may consider a second job. Perhaps they seek additional income, wish to pursue a passion, or desire personal growth. Engaging in activities that are prohibited may subject an officer or employee to discipline, up to and including possible termination of employment or removal from office, as well as fines and penalties. There are guidelines for secondary employment that everyone should know. These rules exist because some jobs could conflict with City duties.

“What should I do before seeking secondary employment?”

  1. Review your Department’s Statement of Incompatible Activities (SIA) before pursuing secondary employment (or any other outside activities that may intersect with your City duties.) 
    SIAs identify activities — paid or unpaid — that conflict with your Department’s duties. Please take time to review your SIA completely, as it may provide guidance for whether secondary employment is feasible at all. You can request an Advance Written Determination from the decision-maker identified in your SIA, to see if a specific activity is allowed.
  2. Consider the rules about employment with City contractors.
    You are prohibited from being employed by or receiving compensation from a person or entity that entered into a contract with the City in the past 12 months if you personally and substantially participated in the award of the contract. This rule applies to current and former employees. Such a conflict would preclude an employee from obtaining secondary employment with the person or entity that has the contract.
  3. Submit an Additional Employment Request before starting a second job.
    You must seek written permission from your appointing officer and from the City’s Human Resources Director before engaging in any additional paid employment (including self-employment and employment with a different City department.) See DHR’s Additional Employment Request Form for details. 

“I have been approved for secondary employment. What should I do now?”

Once you’ve been approved for secondary employment:

  • Be on the lookout for potential conflicts of interest with your second job and recuse yourself if you have a conflict.
    Your ethical responsibilities continue even after you are approved for secondary employment! Stay aware of the possibility of conflicts arising over time. A conflict of interest exists if a governmental decision you make affects your financial interests or those of your immediate family.
  • If you file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700), make sure to disclose any outside income.
    If you file a Statement of Economic Interests (Form 700), you must report all gross income of $500 or more you received during the reporting period as well as other financial interests from secondary jobs and businesses.
  • Follow the rules on use of City resources and confidentiality.
    Set good boundaries between your City position and your second job. Never use City resources (including City time, letterhead, business cards, facilities, telephone, computer, or copier for personal or private purposes). Also, do not use any non-public materials that were prepared on City time or with City resources for personal gain and without proper authorization.

Be familiar with and follow the City’s requirements for additional employment and outside activities before you start that activity to avoid conflicts of interest and incompatible activities, because some jobs could conflict with City duties.

Want to learn more?

To learn more about secondary employment rules:

     In cases where there is a discrepancy between this summary and the law, the law governs.   

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